W ostatnim dniu pobytu u angielskiej rodziny chcesz poinformować swoich gospodarzy o planach związanych z wyjazdem do Polski.
- podasz godzienę odlotu swojego samolotu,
- podasz o której godz musicie wyjechać na lotnisko
-poinformujesz z kim będziesz wracała do Polski.
Mam do napisania prace z angielskiego ( musi być co najmniej 120 słów )
Z góry dziękuje za pomoc ; D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I was verypleasedwith you, butI have togo back toPolish.The planeI'm flyingtomorrow at12:30with my friend, wholivedhere withanother family.At homewe have to leaveat 11Thank youfor your hospitality.
I must leave England and come back to Polish.
I have a plane to Polish at 9.00 o'clock.
I must to leave for the airport at 8.30.
I will be returning to Polish with my friend Pat.
I liked you very much and I hope that I'll ever come here.
Everything I liked. Particularly a Big Ben and the London Eye.
I have some interesting pictures for you. I want you to rtemember me.
I wish you health and happiness. Goodbye.