W gazecie internetowej przeczytałaś opinię,ze podawanie fałszywych inormacji w internecie jest złe i prowadzi do upowszechniania kłamstwa.Chcesz wziąść udział w dyskusji na temat kłamstwa.Napisz list, w którym : -okreslisz jego cel i opiszesz uczucia, które wywołała w tobie lektura tego artykułu; -opiszesz z czym sie zgadzasz i dlaczego; -napiszesz z czym sie nie zgadzasz i dlaczego ; -wyrazisz swoje stanowisko dotyczące kłamania w ogóle i uzasadnisz swoja opinie; <120-150 slow> prosze o pomoc. moze przyda sie tekst z zalacznika
Hi, I would like to say something about "lieing in the internet".Yeastreday I read the article about this problem and the fact that somebody could lieing istead of helping made me very angry. I agree with the opinion that everybody who proposed his help should do whatever he can to help somebody,because reliabilty is,in my opinion ,the most important human's feature. I heard about people who think that lieing in the internet is very funny. They had written something-whitch of course isn't true-and next they laughed. Sometimes they are writting about things which aren't very important but sometimes they for example hurt somebody. To sum up- I think that lieing in the internet should be punishable because than we will have got a surety that trusting somebody won't mean riun for us.
I would like to say something about "lieing in the internet".Yeastreday I read the article about this problem and the fact that somebody could lieing istead of helping made me very angry.
I agree with the opinion that everybody who proposed his help should do whatever he can to help somebody,because reliabilty is,in my opinion ,the most important human's feature.
I heard about people who think that lieing in the internet is very funny. They had written something-whitch of course isn't true-and next they laughed. Sometimes they are writting about things which aren't very important but sometimes they for example hurt somebody.
To sum up- I think that lieing in the internet should be punishable because than we will have got a surety that trusting somebody won't mean riun for us.
136 słów.