Na obozie językowym w Irlandii twoja koleżanka ma przygotować multimedialną prezentacje dotyczącą ciekawych aspektów kłamstwa.Prosi Cię o pomoc. W trakcie rozmowy: - zapytaj, o czas trwania prezentacji - zapytaj, o czym kolega juz zaplanował powiedzieć -poradź mu, jak mógłby uatrakcyjnić prezentacje (rozmowe rozpoczyna egzaminujacy) Prosze o pomoc w napisaniu dialogu
Egazminujący: Do you know what? I have to prepare a mulitmedia presentation about different aspects of lying and I think I need some help. Zdający: Well, so how long should this presentation be? E: About 15 minutes or so. Z: It's not too long. And what have you already planned to say? E: I think I will say about lying to parents and lying to avoid trouble for example at school. Z: Good idea but I think you should do something to make it more interesting. Maybe a slideshow or we can prepare a skit and record it. I'll help you. What do you think? E: Oh that's a great idea. Thank you so much. ;)
Zdający: Well, so how long should this presentation be?
E: About 15 minutes or so.
Z: It's not too long. And what have you already planned to say?
E: I think I will say about lying to parents and lying to avoid trouble for example at school.
Z: Good idea but I think you should do something to make it more interesting. Maybe a slideshow or we can prepare a skit and record it. I'll help you. What do you think?
E: Oh that's a great idea. Thank you so much.