Uzupełnij wiadomość jaką tom zostawił lucy. skorzystaj z rozmowy z cw1 TO JEST ĆWICZENIE PIERWSZE Tom: hello, tom speaking Jon: hi tom It's isn't Tom: no she isn't. Can give her a messsage? Jon: yes,please.Can you ask her to call me? Tom: yes, of course. Jon: I'm shopping in town, but she can call me on my mobile before 12 o'clock Tom: ok. I'll tell her Jon: thanks. Bye Tom: that's ok. See you TE ĆWICZENIE UZUPEŁNIJ NA PODSTAWIE TEGO WYŻEJ ĆWICZENIE 2 Jon......... this morning. he's ............. He wants you to............ Can you..........? bye tom
Jon called this morning. He's shopping in town. He wants you to call him on his mobile. Can you call him before 12 o'clock? Bye, Tom