September 2018 1 31 Report

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Weihnachten bei Frank

Vor (1) _______________ ist bei Frank viel los. Die Mutter macht zuerst eine (2) _______________ Sie schreibt darauf, was sie für das (3) ________________________ braucht. Der Vater fährt dann in den (4) ______________________________ und kauft ein. Frank räumt sein Zimmer auf und kauft mit seinem Vater den (5) ______________________________ . Den (6) _____________________ er am Heiligabend.

- Proszę o szybką pomoc ! Z góry dziękuje !!

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Proszę o pomoc.To tylko dużo tekstu bo tak to do wybrania i zadanie B do zamienienia. Daje dużo punktów. To ważne ! PomocyA. Circle the correct words.(1) To work/Working with plants is a fascinating job. Since I was a child, I have been interested in (2) to collect/collecting different kids of plants. Now that I'm a scients, I have managed (3) to discover / discovering many new things about plants. This summer I plan (4) to explore/exploding padts of Brazil, which has many different plant species. I hope to do/doing this work for many more years to come.B The words in bold are wrong. write the correct infinitive or gerund.1 I enjoy work on scientific experiments. ____________________2 I sometimes try helping my brother with his homework. ____________________3 Spend time in a laboratory is enjoyable work. ____________________4 I've decided to became a journalist when I go to university. ____________________5 We all need doing something that we find interesting. ____________________C Choose the correct answers.1 Mike was disappointed ____ that the woman in the photo had died. a learning b to learn c learn2 If you want to know abut famous people, try ____ about them in magazines. a read b reading c to be reading3 Please stop ____ the sculptures. You will damage them. a to touch b touch c to be touching4 Lisa is used ____ lots of attention as a famous singer. a gatting b to getting c get 5 I will never forget ____ my favourite actor in that cafe last year. a seeing b to see c see 6 Margie and John stopped ____ a volcano while travelling in Hawaii. a visiting b to visitc visit 7. Will you remember ____ Mary if she's coming to the museum tomorrow? a ask b to ask c asking 8. The scientist went on to _____ about his remarkable disovery. a talkb talkingc talked

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