August 2018 2 41 Report
Uzupelnij bajke w czasie prateritum

Vor vielen , vielen Jahren....(1) einmal ein Konig(leben) Er....(2) in einem schonen und GroBen Palast(wohnen) Er....(3) sehr reich und beliebt(sein) Er....(4) aber unglucklich(sein) Seine Frau war vor ein paar Jahren gestorben Er....(5) kleine Kinder...(haben) Da....(6)er wieder (heiraten) Seine neue Frau...(7) schon , aber sehr bose(sein) Sie....(8)eine Tochter(haben) Die Tochter...(9) gaul und hasslich (sein) Eines Tages..... der Koning im wald ( spazieren gehen) Dort....(11) er eine Fee(treffen) Er...(12) ihr alles (erzahlen) Die Fee....(13) ihm einen Ring....(geben)
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3 . Complete the second sentence do it means the same as the first a ) He had to be fast co catch the bus . He had run ...... b ) He's writing isn't clear . He doesn't ..... c ) My secretary's typing is quick . Muy secretary ..... d ) The test was very easy for e . I did ..... 4 . Complete the text with antonyms of the words in bracket ; a ) easy - b ) noisy c ) messy - d ) far - e ) difficult - f ) interesting g ) old - h ) old - 5 ) . Circle the coprrect answers ; a,b or c 1 ) . I read that women are .... divers than men a ) as goog b ) the best c ) better 2 . ) He plays the guitas really .... a ) well b ) bad c ) good 3 ) .My Italian is quite ..... but I can't speak it quickly a ) . good b ) well c ) better 4 . Tom is .... I am . We are both 15 a) old b ) older than c ) as old as 5 . Read this book . It will help you to play fotboll much ... a ) good b ) better c ) well 6 . This test is no problem . I can do it .... a ) easily b ) easy c ) easiest 7 . People say Chinese is the ..... language to learn a ) difficult b ) more difficult c ) most difficult 8 . I live ..... away from school tkan all my friends a ) further b ) the further c ) far 6 . In each sentence there is a mistake with the comparative / superlative adjective or with the adjective / adverb . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I think ice hockey in one of most dangerous sports b ) You are taller me c ) Her work is realy well d ) Carol is the most tidy girl in our class e ) The film on Sunday was more interesting as this film f ) Wait a minute I can't run as fastly as you g ) My pronunciation is terribly h ) That new laptop isn't as expensivee than I thought i ) I think this is the most bad CD of all time
In each sentence there is a mistake with the present simple / continous or with the past simple . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I live in Green Street and my friend living thre too b ) I not know why George is angry c ) Yesterday my friends not phoned me d ) Jane watches TV in her room right now e ) Kate speaks French , but she not speaks Spanish f ) At the moment , Dr Ballard working on a new project g ) Where you go for a holiday last year ? h ) You live round here 2 . Write the adverbs for these adjective a ) slow - b ) easy - c ) happy - d ) fast - e ) bad f ) good g ) far 3 . Complete the second sentence do it means the same as the first a ) He had to be fast co catch the bus . He had run ...... b ) He's writing isn't clear . He doesn't ..... c ) My secretary's typing is quick . Muy secretary ..... d ) The test was very easy for e . I did ..... 4 . Complete the text with antonyms of the words in bracket ; a ) easy - b ) noisy c ) messy - d ) far - e ) difficult - f ) interesting g ) old - h ) old - 5 ) . Circle the coprrect answers ; a,b or c 1 ) . I read that women are .... divers than men a ) as goog b ) the best c ) better 2 . ) He plays the guitas really .... a ) well b ) bad c ) good 3 ) .My Italian is quite ..... but I can't speak it quickly a ) . good b ) well c ) better 4 . Tom is .... I am . We are both 15 a) old b ) older than c ) as old as 5 . Read this book . It will help you to play fotboll much ... a ) good b ) better c ) well 6 . This test is no problem . I can do it .... a ) easily b ) easy c ) easiest 7 . People say Chinese is the ..... language to learn a ) difficult b ) more difficult c ) most difficult 8 . I live ..... away from school tkan all my friends a ) further b ) the further c ) far 6 . In each sentence there is a mistake with the comparative / superlative adjective or with the adjective / adverb . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I think ice hockey in one of most dangerous sports b ) You are taller me c ) Her work is realy well d ) Carol is the most tidy girl in our class e ) The film on Sunday was more interesting as this film f ) Wait a minute I can't run as fastly as you g ) My pronunciation is terribly h ) That new laptop isn't as expensivee than I thought i ) I think this is the most bad CD of all time
1 . Otrzymywanie kwasu siarkowego (IV) ; a ) obserwacje b ) wnioski 2 . równania reakcji dysocjacji poznanych zasad ; a ) NaOH -> .......................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... b ) KOH -> ......................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... c ) Mg(OH)2 ->......................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... d ) Ca(OH)2 -> .................................. ................................................... .................................................... e )NH3*H2O -> .................................. .................................................... ................................................... (zasada amonowa NH3*H2O - jest to wodny roztwór amoniaku . Otrzymywanie zasady amonowej ; .......................................................................... 3 . Wodorotlenki metali gr 1 lub 2 otrzymujemy dwoma sposobami a ) metal (gr 1 lub 2 ) + woda -> wodorotlenek (zasada) .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................... b ) tlenek metalu (gr 1 lub 2 ) + woda -> wodorotlenek (zasada) ..................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... 4 . Wodorotlenki trudno rozpuszczalne w wodzie głownie wodorotlenki metali ciezkich np . wodorotlenek zelaza (II) , wodorotlenek miedzi (II) , wodorotlenek cynku otrzymujemy w reakcjach wymiany ; sól2 + zasada -> sól2 + wodorotlenek strzalka w dol 5 . otrzymywnie roztowru kwasow i wodorotlenkow 6 . Tlenek zasadowy -> ................................. 7 . Uzupelnij wpisujac wzory poznanych wodorotlnkow a ) wodorotlenki zrace b ) ktore sa zasadami c ) ktore nie sa zasadami d ) zasada ktora nie jest wodorotlenkiem e ) wodorotlenek ktory jest zasada ale nie jest zracy
1 . Woda ulega autodysocjacji na kation wodoru H+ i anion wodorotlenkowy OH- ; ....................................................... 2 . Odczyn roztworu zalezy od tego , jakie jest w nim stezenie jonow wodorowych H+ i stezenie jonow wodorotlenkowych OH- a ) przewaga jonow wodorkowych H+ - odczyn...... b ) taka sama liczba jonow H+ i OH- - odczyn .... c ) przewaga jonow wodorotlenkowych OH - - odczyn .... 3 . Poszczegolnym odczynom na skali pH odpowiadaja nastepujace zakresy ; a ) odczyn kwasny ....... b ) odczyn obojetny ...... c ) odczyn zasadowy ...... 4 . Otrzymywane sa w wyniku rozpuszczenia w wodzie wodorku niemetalu powstalego w reakcji syntezy niemetalu z wodorem , np . ? .................. 5 . wzory kwasow i ich wzory tlenku kwasowego i ich nazwa tlenku kwasowego 6 . Uzupelnij wpisujac wzory kwasow a ) kwasy zrace b ) kwasy w napojach gazowanych c ) kwas w akumulatorze d ) kwas z zoladku czlowieka e ) kwas powstajacy w kanalizacji f ) odrdzewiacz metali , kwas stosowany w stomatologii g ) kwasy symiace 7 . Reakcje przedst za pomoca schematu a ) S--> ....... na strzalce O2--> ......... na strzalce to samo --> ...... na strzalce H20 ..................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... b ) C-->CO2-->H2C03-->CO2 ................................................................... ................................................................. .............................................................
1 . Zakończenie dialogu ze słów w polu Cheryl ; You know , you look just like that bloke from Inside Down - Mike , the lead singer Mike ; Really ? Did you know he lives ...... ? Cheryl ; Yeach , someone told me that. Mike ; Did you them ? Cheryl ; ........... ! They're my favourite band Mike ; Well , I know them quite well , ....... . Would you like to meet them ? Z słowek ; actually , too right , round here 2 . Kompletny tekst słów w polu z słowek ; shipwrecks , cities , remains , works on , discovered , explore , wants to , is making plans , bottom Franck Goddio from France explores the sea . In 1985 he began to look for very old........ He found 14 ships , including Napoleon Bonaparte's flagship , Orient . In 1995 Franck Goddio started to look for....... from past civillsations . In 1996 he ...... Alexandria and Heraklion at the ...... of the sea . Experts think that these ....... sank thousand of years ago after a series of earthquakes . Frank Goddio does not only...... the ocean . He also...... tell as many people as possible about his discoveries . This is why he writes books and...... TV decomuntaries . We can be sure he ...... for exciting new future projects 3 . W każdym zdaniu jest błąd z present simple / continuous lub past simple. Podkreśl błędy i napisać poprawne zdanie 1 . I live in Green Street and my friend living there too 2 . I not know why George in angry 3 . Yasterday my frieds not phoned me 4 . Jane watches TV in her room right now 5 . Kate speaks French , but she not speaks Spanish 6 . At the moment , Dr Ballard working on a new project 7 . Where you go for a holiday last yerar 8 . You live round here ?

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