August 2018 1 64 Report
1 . wzór ogolny kwasow i wodorotlenkow
2. kwasy beztlenowe , tlenowe
3 . wodorotlenki rozpuszcone w wodzie i nie rozpuszczone
4 . otrzymywanie tych kwasow tlenowych i beztlenowych
5. otrzymywanie wodotorlenkow rozpuszczanych w wodize i nie
6 . Dysocjacja tych kwasow
7 . dysocjacja tych wodorotlenkow
8 . Chcrakterystyczne jony w roztworze kwasow
9 . charakterystyczne kony w rozteworze wodorotlenkow
10 . pH roztworu kwasow
11 . pH roztworu wodorotklenkow
12 . Kwasy - zabarwienie wskaznikow w roztworach
a ) oranz metylowy
b ) fenoloftaleina
c ) wskaznik uniwerslany
d ) lakmus
e ) sok z czerwonej kapusty
13 . I to samo zadanie tylko , ze do wodorotlenkow (12 zad )
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3 . Complete the second sentence do it means the same as the first a ) He had to be fast co catch the bus . He had run ...... b ) He's writing isn't clear . He doesn't ..... c ) My secretary's typing is quick . Muy secretary ..... d ) The test was very easy for e . I did ..... 4 . Complete the text with antonyms of the words in bracket ; a ) easy - b ) noisy c ) messy - d ) far - e ) difficult - f ) interesting g ) old - h ) old - 5 ) . Circle the coprrect answers ; a,b or c 1 ) . I read that women are .... divers than men a ) as goog b ) the best c ) better 2 . ) He plays the guitas really .... a ) well b ) bad c ) good 3 ) .My Italian is quite ..... but I can't speak it quickly a ) . good b ) well c ) better 4 . Tom is .... I am . We are both 15 a) old b ) older than c ) as old as 5 . Read this book . It will help you to play fotboll much ... a ) good b ) better c ) well 6 . This test is no problem . I can do it .... a ) easily b ) easy c ) easiest 7 . People say Chinese is the ..... language to learn a ) difficult b ) more difficult c ) most difficult 8 . I live ..... away from school tkan all my friends a ) further b ) the further c ) far 6 . In each sentence there is a mistake with the comparative / superlative adjective or with the adjective / adverb . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I think ice hockey in one of most dangerous sports b ) You are taller me c ) Her work is realy well d ) Carol is the most tidy girl in our class e ) The film on Sunday was more interesting as this film f ) Wait a minute I can't run as fastly as you g ) My pronunciation is terribly h ) That new laptop isn't as expensivee than I thought i ) I think this is the most bad CD of all time
In each sentence there is a mistake with the present simple / continous or with the past simple . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I live in Green Street and my friend living thre too b ) I not know why George is angry c ) Yesterday my friends not phoned me d ) Jane watches TV in her room right now e ) Kate speaks French , but she not speaks Spanish f ) At the moment , Dr Ballard working on a new project g ) Where you go for a holiday last year ? h ) You live round here 2 . Write the adverbs for these adjective a ) slow - b ) easy - c ) happy - d ) fast - e ) bad f ) good g ) far 3 . Complete the second sentence do it means the same as the first a ) He had to be fast co catch the bus . He had run ...... b ) He's writing isn't clear . He doesn't ..... c ) My secretary's typing is quick . Muy secretary ..... d ) The test was very easy for e . I did ..... 4 . Complete the text with antonyms of the words in bracket ; a ) easy - b ) noisy c ) messy - d ) far - e ) difficult - f ) interesting g ) old - h ) old - 5 ) . Circle the coprrect answers ; a,b or c 1 ) . I read that women are .... divers than men a ) as goog b ) the best c ) better 2 . ) He plays the guitas really .... a ) well b ) bad c ) good 3 ) .My Italian is quite ..... but I can't speak it quickly a ) . good b ) well c ) better 4 . Tom is .... I am . We are both 15 a) old b ) older than c ) as old as 5 . Read this book . It will help you to play fotboll much ... a ) good b ) better c ) well 6 . This test is no problem . I can do it .... a ) easily b ) easy c ) easiest 7 . People say Chinese is the ..... language to learn a ) difficult b ) more difficult c ) most difficult 8 . I live ..... away from school tkan all my friends a ) further b ) the further c ) far 6 . In each sentence there is a mistake with the comparative / superlative adjective or with the adjective / adverb . Underline the mistakes and write the correct sentence a ) I think ice hockey in one of most dangerous sports b ) You are taller me c ) Her work is realy well d ) Carol is the most tidy girl in our class e ) The film on Sunday was more interesting as this film f ) Wait a minute I can't run as fastly as you g ) My pronunciation is terribly h ) That new laptop isn't as expensivee than I thought i ) I think this is the most bad CD of all time
1 . Otrzymywanie kwasu siarkowego (IV) ; a ) obserwacje b ) wnioski 2 . równania reakcji dysocjacji poznanych zasad ; a ) NaOH -> .......................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... b ) KOH -> ......................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... c ) Mg(OH)2 ->......................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... d ) Ca(OH)2 -> .................................. ................................................... .................................................... e )NH3*H2O -> .................................. .................................................... ................................................... (zasada amonowa NH3*H2O - jest to wodny roztwór amoniaku . Otrzymywanie zasady amonowej ; .......................................................................... 3 . Wodorotlenki metali gr 1 lub 2 otrzymujemy dwoma sposobami a ) metal (gr 1 lub 2 ) + woda -> wodorotlenek (zasada) .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. ................................................................... b ) tlenek metalu (gr 1 lub 2 ) + woda -> wodorotlenek (zasada) ..................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... 4 . Wodorotlenki trudno rozpuszczalne w wodzie głownie wodorotlenki metali ciezkich np . wodorotlenek zelaza (II) , wodorotlenek miedzi (II) , wodorotlenek cynku otrzymujemy w reakcjach wymiany ; sól2 + zasada -> sól2 + wodorotlenek strzalka w dol 5 . otrzymywnie roztowru kwasow i wodorotlenkow 6 . Tlenek zasadowy -> ................................. 7 . Uzupelnij wpisujac wzory poznanych wodorotlnkow a ) wodorotlenki zrace b ) ktore sa zasadami c ) ktore nie sa zasadami d ) zasada ktora nie jest wodorotlenkiem e ) wodorotlenek ktory jest zasada ale nie jest zracy
1 . Woda ulega autodysocjacji na kation wodoru H+ i anion wodorotlenkowy OH- ; ....................................................... 2 . Odczyn roztworu zalezy od tego , jakie jest w nim stezenie jonow wodorowych H+ i stezenie jonow wodorotlenkowych OH- a ) przewaga jonow wodorkowych H+ - odczyn...... b ) taka sama liczba jonow H+ i OH- - odczyn .... c ) przewaga jonow wodorotlenkowych OH - - odczyn .... 3 . Poszczegolnym odczynom na skali pH odpowiadaja nastepujace zakresy ; a ) odczyn kwasny ....... b ) odczyn obojetny ...... c ) odczyn zasadowy ...... 4 . Otrzymywane sa w wyniku rozpuszczenia w wodzie wodorku niemetalu powstalego w reakcji syntezy niemetalu z wodorem , np . ? .................. 5 . wzory kwasow i ich wzory tlenku kwasowego i ich nazwa tlenku kwasowego 6 . Uzupelnij wpisujac wzory kwasow a ) kwasy zrace b ) kwasy w napojach gazowanych c ) kwas w akumulatorze d ) kwas z zoladku czlowieka e ) kwas powstajacy w kanalizacji f ) odrdzewiacz metali , kwas stosowany w stomatologii g ) kwasy symiace 7 . Reakcje przedst za pomoca schematu a ) S--> ....... na strzalce O2--> ......... na strzalce to samo --> ...... na strzalce H20 ..................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... b ) C-->CO2-->H2C03-->CO2 ................................................................... ................................................................. .............................................................
1 . Zakończenie dialogu ze słów w polu Cheryl ; You know , you look just like that bloke from Inside Down - Mike , the lead singer Mike ; Really ? Did you know he lives ...... ? Cheryl ; Yeach , someone told me that. Mike ; Did you them ? Cheryl ; ........... ! They're my favourite band Mike ; Well , I know them quite well , ....... . Would you like to meet them ? Z słowek ; actually , too right , round here 2 . Kompletny tekst słów w polu z słowek ; shipwrecks , cities , remains , works on , discovered , explore , wants to , is making plans , bottom Franck Goddio from France explores the sea . In 1985 he began to look for very old........ He found 14 ships , including Napoleon Bonaparte's flagship , Orient . In 1995 Franck Goddio started to look for....... from past civillsations . In 1996 he ...... Alexandria and Heraklion at the ...... of the sea . Experts think that these ....... sank thousand of years ago after a series of earthquakes . Frank Goddio does not only...... the ocean . He also...... tell as many people as possible about his discoveries . This is why he writes books and...... TV decomuntaries . We can be sure he ...... for exciting new future projects 3 . W każdym zdaniu jest błąd z present simple / continuous lub past simple. Podkreśl błędy i napisać poprawne zdanie 1 . I live in Green Street and my friend living there too 2 . I not know why George in angry 3 . Yasterday my frieds not phoned me 4 . Jane watches TV in her room right now 5 . Kate speaks French , but she not speaks Spanish 6 . At the moment , Dr Ballard working on a new project 7 . Where you go for a holiday last yerar 8 . You live round here ?

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