Twoja kolezanka ze stanów zjednoczonych ma powazne problemy w szkole . napisała do ciebie prosbe o rade . napisz list w którym : *podziekujesz za to ze ma do ciebie zaufanie i napisz ze postarasz sie pomóc *opisz jeden ze swoich problemów w szkole i sposób w jaki udało sie tobie go rozwiazac *dodaj zeby sie nie poddawała i zapewnij ze napewno sobie poradzi * popros aby wkrótce do ciebie napisała i podaj swoj nowy adres e-mail
Hi, Anna. I'm glad you trust me, and you can believe me I won't tell anyone. I'll do my best to help you. Lately, I had problems in my school. It was classmates. They teased me all the time. I couldn't take this anymore and I went to my teacher. I told her about that. She told me to don't worry. Next day she was talking with my mates. They were sorry, because they didn't know they are teasing me. Now we live in peace. It's a little bit different Poland and the USA, I think it's better there, in your country. Go ahead and tell your teacher. I'm sure he will talk with this guys who annoy you. Don't worry because everybody has this same problems, you're not alone, remember. So if you do this please send e-mail to me and tell me how it is going. Remember, I'm with you! Oh, I almost forget, my new e-mail is [email protected] Everything is going to be alright. See You. ~(swoje imię).
~(swoje imię).