6.Byłeś na wycieczce w jakimś parku narodowym w USA, zaskoczyła Cię burza -opowiedz w jakich okolicznościach zaskoczyła Cie burza -gdzie znalazłeś schronienie -jak burza pokrzyżowała Ci plany
7.lekarz kaze ci zostac w lozku, bo jestes chory -nie zgodz sie z nim, bo nie chcesz stracic wakacji -podaj swoje argumenty -zaproponuj kompromis 8.Relacjonowanie: Opowiadasz koleżance z Anglii o swoim wyjeździe do Nowego Jorku: opowiadasz gdzie się zatrzymałeś? co zrobiło na tobie największe wrażenie? kogo ciekawego spotkałeś. C. Negocjowanie: Proponujesz koleżance z Anglii wspólny wypad za miasto na weekend: zaproponuj jej to i podaj powód, odrzuć jej propozycję i podaj argument, zaproponuj kompromisowe rozwiązanie.
9.relacjonowanie wydarzeń: w drodze pociągiem zostałaś/eś okradziona/y, opowiedz: *jak do tego doszło *co Ci skradziono *jak zareagowała policja i obsługa pociągu 10.Znajomy z Anglii prponuje mi mieszkanie u niego,ale ja odmawiam -mam wytlumaczyc ,ze stac mnie na wynajecie swojego mieszkania -wytlumaczyc dlaczego nie chce z nim zamieszkac -zgodzic sie na tymczasowy wyjazd do niego, ale pod jakimś warunkiem
11.Gospodarz domu codziennie puszcza glosno radio/TV * przedstaw swoj problem * uargumentuj czemu przeszkadza Ci to glosne sluchanie radio/TV * zaproponuj kompromis 12.Opowiedz o swoich wakacjach * gdzie byles * opowiedz zabawna sytuacje jaka Ci sie przydarzyla * powiedz, dlaczego powrot do domu z wakacji trwal wyjatkowo dlugo
6. Sitting on the bench, suddenly it got dark sky. After a while it started to rain and lightning batter. I found refuge in a small hut in the clearing. Were it not for the storm had gone further, but I had to turn back.
7. Please, Lord, but I do not want to lose such a beautiful holiday! I will consider myself, I will not take things easy. In that case, let's do so, I'll take these medicines, but you will allow me to go out for a moment on the court.
8. Relacjonowanie: As you know, I went to New York, I stayed with a friend. Have made the greatest impression on me all these skyscrapers. I met many interesting peers with whom I could walk in this great city.
Negocjowanie: I suggest that we might be chosen this weekend for the city to be very nice weather and we sit at home. But why go to the cinema in such beautiful weather, as you can go out of town. This weekend we will go out of town, but this week we will go to the movies.
9. When I returned home, stole my wallet on the train. Do not feel I had when I stood in the hallway, and someone walked past me. I lost my ID card and all credit cards. The police reacted immediately as the train service.
10. Thanks, but I really afford to rent his apartment. I do not want to live with you as you have two cats, and I'm allergic to their fur. I agree to come to you, but on condition that at the time you give your cat somewhere.
11. Would you let a little quieter this radio because I can not concentrate while studying. I'll wash the dishes the evening a little quieter but you will listen to the radio.
12. I went on holiday to the picturesque Greece. It was funny when I ran the ice for such a girl. We got back quite a long time since they were traffic jams on the border with Serbia.
7. Please, Lord, but I do not want to lose such a beautiful holiday! I will consider myself, I will not take things easy. In that case, let's do so, I'll take these medicines, but you will allow me to go out for a moment on the court.
8. Relacjonowanie: As you know, I went to New York, I stayed with a friend. Have made the greatest impression on me all these skyscrapers. I met many interesting peers with whom I could walk in this great city.
Negocjowanie: I suggest that we might be chosen this weekend for the city to be very nice weather and we sit at home. But why go to the cinema in such beautiful weather, as you can go out of town. This weekend we will go out of town, but this week we will go to the movies.
9. When I returned home, stole my wallet on the train. Do not feel I had when I stood in the hallway, and someone walked past me. I lost my ID card and all credit cards. The police reacted immediately as the train service.
10. Thanks, but I really afford to rent his apartment. I do not want to live with you as you have two cats, and I'm allergic to their fur. I agree to come to you, but on condition that at the time you give your cat somewhere.
11. Would you let a little quieter this radio because I can not concentrate while studying. I'll wash the dishes the evening a little quieter but you will listen to the radio.
12. I went on holiday to the picturesque Greece. It was funny when I ran the ice for such a girl. We got back quite a long time since they were traffic jams on the border with Serbia.