Scenki : (PROSZE W ODP. NIE PISAC JEDNEJ SCENKI . PROSZE WIECEJ OPISAC ) 64 1 Wynajmujesz mieszkanie z koleżanka w Anglii: *powiedz, że przeszkadza Ci, że tyle czasu spędza rano w łazience *nie zgódź się z jej argumentem *zaproponuj kompromis 2.Opowiadasz swojemu koledze z USA o meczu: *podaj powód, przez który uważasz, że Twoja drużyna przegrała *jak przebiegał mecz *jak zachowywali się kibice
3. -dostales psa i masz go opisać -jak się nim opiekujesz -zapytaj czy też ma jakies zwierzęta
4 Spędzasz pierwszy w swoim życiu tydzień w Londynie. Chciałbyś podróżować po nim autobusem. Idziesz do biura komunikacji miejskiej i pytasz: - chcesz cały tydzień jeździć autobusem, ile kosztuje bilet? - jaka oferta zapłaty za bilet jest najkorzystniejsza dla Ciebie? - czy jakaś zniżka Ci przysługuje?!
5. . egzaminujacy zaczyna, byles na wystawie sztuki nowoczesnej: a. gdzie to bylo b. o czym to było. c. co zwrocilo Twoja najwieksza uwage 6. zdajacy zaczyna, znajomego dawno nie bylo widac bo to nolife i ciagle jest przy kompie: a. przekonaj go ze zle robi. b. kontruj jego argumenty, nie pozwol mu miec racji. c. zaproponuj jakies rozwiazanie
Listen, you could not enter in the morning to the bathroom a bit faster to deal? But what I also need to go to work and I would like to refresh in the morning. Let us do so, I'll come after me first and you, okay?
I tell you, I was recently at the game - we lost! Clearly it was a wine goalkeeper, made a big mistake in the penalty area. The match ran an interesting, virtually the entire 90 minutes the fans could not sit on the chairs. From the first minute started a great rivalry. Fans, of course, aided his team, singing out loud!
Two days ago we got the dog. Look after him very well, I take long walks, cares, he always has a clean bowl. We also care about timely vaccinations, visits to the vet. And you have any pets at home?
Hi, I want the whole week to travel by bus, how much is a ticket? How will preferably pay me? And he knows you may be entitled to any discount to me?
a) The exhibition was held in Warsaw. b) An exhibition related to the diversity of shop windows. c) The greatest attention turned to me a draft of the Chinese group of designers.
a) You can not sit behind the computer, because it is harmful to health. b) And think of his spine, his eyes. In a few years you will have to wear glasses. c) I propose to reduce the time sitting at the computer and more time out on the town with friends.
Listen, you could not enter in the morning to the bathroom a bit faster to deal?
But what I also need to go to work and I would like to refresh in the morning.
Let us do so, I'll come after me first and you, okay?
I tell you, I was recently at the game - we lost! Clearly it was a wine goalkeeper, made a big mistake in the penalty area. The match ran an interesting, virtually the entire 90 minutes the fans could not sit on the chairs. From the first minute started a great rivalry. Fans, of course, aided his team, singing out loud!
Two days ago we got the dog. Look after him very well, I take long walks, cares, he always has a clean bowl. We also care about timely vaccinations, visits to the vet. And you have any pets at home?
Hi, I want the whole week to travel by bus, how much is a ticket? How will preferably pay me? And he knows you may be entitled to any discount to me?
a) The exhibition was held in Warsaw.
b) An exhibition related to the diversity of shop windows.
c) The greatest attention turned to me a draft of the Chinese group of designers.
a) You can not sit behind the computer, because it is harmful to health.
b) And think of his spine, his eyes. In a few years you will have to wear glasses.
c) I propose to reduce the time sitting at the computer and more time out on the town with friends.