1Opowiadasz koledze z USA o wizycie w szpitalu u swojego znajomego - powiedz czemu znalazł się w szpitalu - jak zareagowal na Twoje odwiedziny - jaki prezent mu kupiłeś 2.Byłeś w Disneylandzie na Florydzie. opowiedz koledze. -dlaczego spedziłeś tam aż 5 dni. -co Ci się podobało najbardziej. -kogo interesującego spotkałeś i w jakich okolicznościach. 3. Twój znajomy lubi sport i chce isć an mecz lechi gdańsk -podaj dlaczego to zły pomysł -zaproponuj inne forme rozrywki. - zaproponuj rozwiązanie 4Napadli Cie, idziesz na policje i musisz powiedzieć: gdzie Ciebie okradli, co Ci ukradli, i jak zachowali się świadkowie zdarzenia. (zaczyna egzaminujący)
5.: Kolega proponuje wyjazd do Hiszpanii. Ty chcesz jechać na tydzień on chce jechać na dwa tygodnie. Wyraź sprzeciw i powiedz czemu chcesz jechać na tydzień, zaproponuj kompromis. (zaczyna zdający) 6.Idziesz największą ulicą w Edynburgu i trafiasz do sklepu by kupić prezent dla swojej sympatii. 1. Powiedz jak trafiłeś do sklepu. 2. Powiedz jak zachowywał się sprzedawca. 3. Powiedz jaki prezent wybrałeś.
7: do twojego domu przyjeżdża jakaś dziewczyna z wymiany (chyba). Masz opisać rozmieszczenie różnych pomieszczeń, powiedzieć jej, gdzie może wypakować bagaż oraz zapytać się o jej preferencje kulinarne 8 scenka: mieszkasz u kogoś i oni nie karmią psa ani nie wychodzą z nim na spacer. Masz im to wypomnieć, następnie zaprzeczyć temu co powiedzą i zaproponować jakiś kompromis w sprawie psa.
9.Jesteś w bibliotece, potrzebujesz książki do zrobienia prezentacji, powiedz: =jak poradziłeś sobie ze znalezieniem odpowiednich pozycji = czy ktoś Tobie pomógł, i jak = czemu tak długoo byłaś w bibliotece 10.Jesteś na obozie w Kanadzie. Kolezanka chce sie z toba spotkac - odmów bo musisz sie uczyć; powiedz, dlaczego nauka jest dla Ciebie taka ważna - wytłumacz dlaczego nie chcesz się spotkać, uargumentuj - zaproponuj inny termin i co możecie robić
11.Przyjedza do Ciebie kolega. Chcesz isc do muzeum *poinformuj go o tym *nie zgodz sie z propozycja pojscia gdzie indziej i podaj uzasadnienie *rozwiazanie i kompromis
1. My friend is now in hospital, had a serious car accident. As soon as I saw his face I saw a big smile. I bought him a big basket of fruit.
2. There were so many different attractions that one day is enough to include everything. I descended on this up to 5 days! Most liked the line that drove around Disneyland. I met my friend from high school, the former with his parents on a trip to Disneyland.
3. I believe that not very well go for the match Lechia Gdańsk since it is a lot of hooligans. Maybe let's go to the biggest cinema in Poland!
4. Hello, I wanted to report the assault. I robbed the butcher shop on the street. Flowers, stole my whole purse is a woman who saw the entire incident.
5. I want to go for one week because I do not have enough money, and there is very expensive. I suggest to choose another place and go for two weeks.
6. a)Hi! I got to see your ad a few streets away. b) Seller was very polite and helped me in choosing a gift for my beloved. c) I bought her a big heart and lots of candy inside.
7. Welcome! as you can see we are in the hallway, on the left is a kitchen where you can make tasty food, the right room with TV, now here we'll go straight to the left is a bathroom with the door next to a toilet. On the right side of the parents' bedroom and my room next to them. Extract can be in my room.
8. You can not just treat the animals! Once you have decided on the dog and cat will have to take care of them.
10. Excuse me, but I can not meet because it is spoken. For several months I am graduated. I suggest two days, maybe go for coffee?
11. Hey, we choose today a museum. No, no, there we go - more interesting is the museum to which you want to take. O I know! Today we go to the museum and tomorrow as time allows we will go wherever you want.
2. There were so many different attractions that one day is enough to include everything. I descended on this up to 5 days! Most liked the line that drove around Disneyland. I met my friend from high school, the former with his parents on a trip to Disneyland.
3. I believe that not very well go for the match Lechia Gdańsk since it is a lot of hooligans. Maybe let's go to the biggest cinema in Poland!
4. Hello, I wanted to report the assault. I robbed the butcher shop on the street. Flowers, stole my whole purse is a woman who saw the entire incident.
5. I want to go for one week because I do not have enough money, and there is very expensive. I suggest to choose another place and go for two weeks.
6. a)Hi! I got to see your ad a few streets away.
b) Seller was very polite and helped me in choosing a gift for my beloved.
c) I bought her a big heart and lots of candy inside.
7. Welcome! as you can see we are in the hallway, on the left is a kitchen where you can make tasty food, the right room with TV, now here we'll go straight to the left is a bathroom with the door next to a toilet. On the right side of the parents' bedroom and my room next to them. Extract can be in my room.
8. You can not just treat the animals! Once you have decided on the dog and cat will have to take care of them.
10. Excuse me, but I can not meet because it is spoken. For several months I am graduated. I suggest two days, maybe go for coffee?
11. Hey, we choose today a museum. No, no, there we go - more interesting is the museum to which you want to take. O I know! Today we go to the museum and tomorrow as time allows we will go wherever you want.