Tłumaczenie:( nie z tlanslatora)
1. Podróż trwała 8 godzin, więc długo.
2. Rano wyleciałęm z lotniska we Wrocławiu, niemal całą podróż spałem, popołudniu byłem w Chicago.
3. W samolocie obok mnie siedziała bardzo sławna aktorka, rozmawialiśmy chwilę, była bardzo miła.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. The journey lasted 8 hours so it was long.
2. In the morning I set off from the airport in Wrocław, I slept during almost the whole flight, in the afternoon I was in Chicago.
3. In the plane there was a famous actress sitting next to me, we were talking for a while, she was very kind.
1. Travel was continued eight hours, well so long.
2. At morning i flewed from airport in Wroclaw, almost all travel i slept and I was in Chicago.
3. In a plane next to me seated vey famous actress, we takked briefly and she was very nice.
Mam nadzieję ze trochę pomogłam.