Saya tidak setuju dengan pendapat kelompok pro. Menurut saya fullday school terlalu menyita banyak waktu siswa sehingga siswa lelah dan kurangnya waktu bersama keluarga terutama orang tua.
Saya ingin menanggapi pendapat kelompok pro. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana di sekolah menjadi penghambat fulldayschool dan membuat siswa lebih cepat merasa bosan,ditambah lagi kegiatan sepulang sekolah seperti les, ekskul,dan pr yang di berikan akan membuat siswa menjadi stress karena kurangnya waktu bermain,lalu dari segi mana keefektifan fullday school?
Saya tetap tidak setuju. Terlalu lama di sekolah akan membuat siswa menjadi bosan sehingga pelajaran yang di berikan pun akan susah diterima atau dimengerti hal ini sangatlah tidak efektif.
Dari argumen argumen yang telah di sampaikan tim kami,pelaksanaan fulldayschool memang terlalu banyak menyita waktu siswa sehingaa menjadi tidak efektif seperti yang diungkapkan speaker 1 dan 3. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana menjadi faktorpenghambat. Maka dari itu kami tetap tidak setuju dengan penerapan fulldayschool
"I don't agree with the opinion of a group of pro. According to my full day school is too much consuming students time so that the students are tired and lack of time with family especially parents.
I want to respond to the opinions of a group of pro. The lack of facilities and infrastructure in schools become an obstacle to the full day school and make the students quicker get bored, plus more activities after school such as tutoring, extra-curricular activities, and homework that is given will make the students become stressed due to lack of playing time, and then in terms of where the effectiveness of full day school?
I still don't agree. Too long in school will make students become bored so the lesson that is given will be difficult to be accepted or understood so it is not effective.
Of arguments that has been conveyed to our team, the implementation of full day school indeed too much of student's time so, it becomes ineffective as expressed speakers 1 and 3. The lack of facilities and infrastructure to be the issues. Therefore, we still don't agree with the application of full day school"
"I don't agree with the opinion of a group of pro. According to my full day school is too much consuming students time so that the students are tired and lack of time with family especially parents.
I want to respond to the opinions of a group of pro. The lack of facilities and infrastructure in schools become an obstacle to the full day school and make the students quicker get bored, plus more activities after school such as tutoring, extra-curricular activities, and homework that is given will make the students become stressed due to lack of playing time, and then in terms of where the effectiveness of full day school?
I still don't agree. Too long in school will make students become bored so the lesson that is given will be difficult to be accepted or understood so it is not effective.
Of arguments that has been conveyed to our team, the implementation of full day school indeed too much of student's time so, it becomes ineffective as expressed speakers 1 and 3. The lack of facilities and infrastructure to be the issues. Therefore, we still don't agree with the application of full day school"