Tolong terjemahin ke bahasa inggris semuanya ya kak.. mulai dari "hidayah telah turun"
Terima kasih sebelumnya buat yang menjawab pertanyaan saya =)
Is a book that contains guidance for small to early to last, from the affairs of the most greatest affairs, from the beginning to the time of the day. That is, when a person always follows the guidance of the Qur'an in living his life then he will surely meet his heaven, Allah decrees: And We sent down to you A-Book (A-Qur'an) to explain everything and guidance and grace and good tidings for those who surrender (TQS An-Nahl [16]: 89) Although the Qur'an has been believed to be true by a Muslim, yet still most who read it will still feel contraindicated in hints such as doubt, , dizziness, and so on. Many are finally trapped to make the Qur'an exactly as a goal, not as a guide. For example, a group of Muslims often prioritizes and exalts the recitation of the Qur'an and how to read and how well the Qur'anic recitation sounds, that the Qur'an is a clue, to read it is Sunnah, while practicing it is a duty. However, what is now focused is not on the practice. So it is normal that Muslims are generally
hidayah has gone down is the guidance (AHHuda), which contains the Qur'an's address of directions to His heaven. The Qur'an is a book that contains guidance for human life from the beginning to the end, from the affairs of the most to the greatest affairs, from the beginning to the period of time. That is, when a person always follows the direction of the Qur'an guidance in living his life dianasti will meet His heaven, Allah set:
maaf bahas arab nya tidak ada