This is Ostrołęka in 1912.
There were a church and cemetery.
There were some houses and streets.
Streets was very short and narrow.
Houses was small and wood.
There weren't many shops.
There were big fields and swamp.
Mam pytanie czy dobrze to napisałem i czy nie ma jakiegoś błędu jak jest to proszę o wytłumaczenie jaki to błąd i jakie słowo tam wstawić
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Houses was small and made from wood. Były zrobione z drewna (tak się mówi w angielskim)
There were big fields and a swamp. Jedno bagno, podkreślamy a.
There was a church and a cemetery. Po jednym więc WAS jakby było kilka kościołów i cmentarzy to byłoby were