Tentukanlah kalimat di bawah ini termasuk simple past tense, atau past continuous tense, atau past perfect tense, atau sometimes future in the past form (would), ect. ! a. She would buy when she had sold the milk. b. The eggs would hatch, then she would sell the chickens. c. She would buy fine clothes for herself d. How could be solve his problem ?
Kalau bisa, tolong dengan penjelasannya.
Thanks.. ^_^ !!
Sometimes future in past form? o.o mungkin itu maksudnya will diganti would biar lebih "sopan" dan "sastra" XD
1. past perfect 2. sometimes future in past form 3. sometimes future in past form 4. sometimes future in past form
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oh untuk penjelasannya "sometimes future in past form"
mungkin juga bisa pakai contoh ini
kamu sering kan denger orang ngomong "I would love to do that!"
dan would memang digunakan untuk "politeness" a.k.a kesopanan
jadi bukan cuma buat past tense begitu :D
past perfect rumusnya S + had + V3
dan itu she had sold, itu kan S + had V3 :D
Iy,kak, mkasih penjelasannya, would = will, kan kak??
iya would sama kayak will :)
cuma would lebih sopan dan juga bisa digunakan buat masa lampau :D
Kak, kalau yg no.4 mau dijawab yg sesuai dgn tenses pd pertanyaan gimana?
jawabannya dlm B.Ind. bgini :
Dia pergi ke rumah A dan memintanya untuk mengambilkan sepatu kuda yang terbaik.
mungkin itu maksudnya will diganti would biar lebih "sopan" dan "sastra" XD
1. past perfect
2. sometimes future in past form
3. sometimes future in past form
4. sometimes future in past form