Tentukanlah kalimat di bawah ini termasuk simple past tense, atau past continuous tense, atau past perfect tense, atau sometimes future in the past form (would).
One day, when the general was out riding with some friends, his horse stumbled and cast a shoe.
Kalau bisa, tolong sama penjelasannya. Thanks.. ^_^ !!
Past continuous tense: the general was out riding :) rumus past continuous tense: S + was/were + V1-ing
past tense: his horse stumbled and cast a shoe rumus past tense: S + V2 :D
1 votes Thanks 2
Mkasih.. ^_^ !!
yg kedua itu past tense ap ya??
Kata guruku past tense itu terbagi-bagi jd sperti yg d soal, simple past, past continuous, past perfect, ect.
oh sorry kurang ngetiknya
simple past tense :D
cast cast cast, dia irregular :D
tapi sebenernya zaman duluuuuuu itu ada casted, tapi udah gak dipakai lagi
buat infomu aja hehehe
Mkasih bnyak kak.. ^_^ !!
Tp dlm hal ni dianggap V2 ya?!
Btw arti cast itu ap, kak??
cast sendiri artinya ada banyak
cast a spell > memberi mantra
cast > pemain (pernah denger istilah casting kan? :D)
cast down > meruntuhkan sesuatu
tapi kalo cast a shoe, itu artinya sepatu/tapal kudanya copot gitu lho :D
Kak, tahu tidak, maksud dari
atau "sometimes future in the past form
pd soal itu maksud.y ap??
Maaf,ya kak, pertanyaannya banyak bgt..
rumus past continuous tense: S + was/were + V1-ing
past tense: his horse stumbled and cast a shoe
rumus past tense: S + V2 :D