August 2018 1 10 Report
Takie zadania:
1.Rolnik na prostokątnej działce o wymiarach 0,6 km na 250 m zasiał pszenice.Ile kwintali ziarna zbierze z tej działki,jeśli z jednego hektara zbiera przeciętnie 4,5 tony pszenicy?

2.Akwarium ma wymiary 80 cm,60cm,40cm,.Ile szklanek wody należy wlać do tego akwarium,żeby wypełnić je w połowie?Wskazówka : 1 szklanka ma objętość jedną czwartą litra
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1) Mark this options as correct (∨) or wrong (x) 1. My mum ___ green hair when she was an Art student. A.Would have ( __ ) B.Used to have ( __ ) 2.Anna ___ the phone when someone phoned her last night. A.Didn't used to answer ( __ ) B.Didn't answer ( __ ) 3.My maths teacher ___ exercises for everyone but now she sends them by email A.Used to photocopy ( __ ) B.Photocopied ( __ ) 4. Birthdays ___ more exciting when i was a small child. A.Would be ( __ ) B.Were ( __ ) 2) Rewrite these sentences using used to or would 1. Someone cleaned the train more often than now. (Used to) __________ 2.We didn't enjoy travelling by plane at all (used to) ____________ 3.They went skiing in the Alps every winter. (would) ___________ 4.Were plane tickets very expensive? (used to) ___________ 5. Who went with you on holidays to Blackpool? (used to) ____________ 6.I always ordered a large pizza at my favourite restaurant. (would) ___________ 3)Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold 1. I'm sure that Sean has studied Spanish before because he speaks it fluently. (Have) ___________ 2.I'm sure that woman isn't Andy's mother - she's too young. (Be) _______________ 3. Its's still possible tha we will save enough money to go to Peru (might) ______________ 4.It's possible that Janet's car broke down before she reached London. (could) ________________ 4) Complete the sentences that fit with the verbs from the boxes. [Could take; could have taken; must like; must have liked] 1. Does your aunt like modernart? You _________ herto the new art gallery when she next visits you. 2.People _________ that song - the radio played it many times every day.

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