September 2018 2 65 Report

Stog siana ma ksztalt stozka o wysokosci 2,5m i promien podstawy 80cm. Ile m3 lomy znajduje sie w tym stogu. Zapisz obliczenia. Do obliczen przyjmij pi ynosi 3


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1.Uzupełnij definicje odpowiednimi wyrazami 1.1 The name tahat a company gives to its product is called a b........ name 1.2.The money you get back when you give more than the product cost is called c........ 1.3Clothes you wear every day are called c.......... clothes 1.4 A strip of leather or matrial you wear around your weist to keep your clothes is place is called a b........... 1.5 A group of shops that look similar and the are owned by one company are called c...... stores 1.6The system of money used in a particular country e.g. dollar, euro, pound is called the c...... 2. Wpisz czasowniki w nawiasie w odpowiedniej formie. Użyj konstrukcji HAVE SOMETHING DONE 2.1. You look so nice!.......................... recently? (your hair/cut) 2.2. She............................ when the unexpected quest come. (her room/paint) 2.3. I think you should.......................... by a mechanic - I cannot help your.(your car/repair) 2.4. the moment (my new wardrobe/fit) 2.5. We most..................... by an estate agnet(our old flat/sell) 2.6. I'm going to................. by this new travel agent (my holiday/arrange) 3. Napisz podane zdania w stronie biernej, zaczynajac od podanego wyrazu: 3.1.They produce olive oil in Italy and Greece./ Olive oil............................... 3.2.We are designing a very interesting computer game at the moment./ A very interesting computer game......................... 3.3.You cannot park your car here, I'm afraid./ Your car.................... 3.4. Almost all teenagers read book's by J.K.Rowling./ Books by J.K.Rowling.............. 3.5.The company is going to launch a new advertising compaign for the product./ A new advertising compaign for the product...................... 3.6. How much money have we saved on that operation./ How much money.............

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