Sprawdzi mi ktoś list z angielskiego? NIE, nie wszystko jest dobrze.
Chodzi mi głównie o czasy, czy dobrze użyłam itd.
Hi, Laura
Guess what, last Friday we moved house. Now we are living in the suburbs in semi-detached house, 100 km from the old one. Our house it's quite spacious, it has seven rooms. It's also very pretty with white walls and small garden. I like how it looks.
Recently, I have met all the neighbours. In my opinion, they are very nice. They gave us a piece of cake. They seem to be helpful.
My new school is very huge with modern classrooms and a lot of students. But I don't feel bad about it. I have new friend which is new too, so I'm happy.
I would like to show you my room one day. Maybe on holiday? I hope that you will be able to visit me in the summer. You know, we have amazing, big circus in the town.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Moim zdaniem wszystko jest tutaj okej ;) Nie powinnać mieć wątpliwości co do tego, bo piszesz świetnie ;)
Tu są błędy? Mi się wydaje, że jest dobrze.. :-D nie widzę żadnych błędów. powinnaś z tego dostać min. 5. a jak nie to przejde sie do twojego nauczyciela. haha!;p