Sprawdz czy te zdania są napisane poprawnie jeśli nie popraw błędy (present continuous) 1zd twierdzące 2)pytanie 3)przeczenie
1)My mum is cooking dinner.
2)Is my mum cooking dinner?
3)My mum is not cooking dinner!
1)My dad is driving a car.
2)Is my dad griving a car?
3)My dad is not driving a car!
1)My brother is eating an apple.
2)Is my brother eating an apple?
3)My brother is not eating an apple!
1)My sister is playing guitar.
2)Is my sister playing guitar?
3)My sister is not playing guitar!
1)My brother is watching TV.
2)Is my brother watching TV?
3)My brother is not watching TV!
1)Me and my friend are doing homework and lisening to music.
2)Are me and my friend doing homework and lisening to music?
3)Me and my friend are not doing homework and lisening to music!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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3) źle (My mum isn't cooking dinner!)
3) źle (My dad isn't driving a car!)
3)źle (My brother isn't eating an apple!)
3)źle (My sister isn't playing a guitar!)
3)źle (My brother isn't watching TV!)
1)źle (nie lisening tylko listening)
2)źle (nie lisening tylko listening)
3)źle (Me and my friend aren't doing homework and listening music!)