Siema wszystkim potrzebne mi na dziś 10 zdan przetłumaczyc na angielski 1Na tym krajobrazie widze różne pojezieża 2 Obraz jest piękny 3 Chmury są błękitne kwitną życiem 4 Z dala moża zauwąć zachodzącą tęczę 5 Na obrazie jest dużo zieleni 6 Widać piękne lasy i pagórki 7 Widać też pola uprawne oraz domy 8 Jest to krajobraz pojezierny Pojezierze Suwalskie 9 Obraz przedstawia życie w Polsce 10 Jest to ładne zdjęcie
Zgłoś nadużycie!
1at this landscape I see different Lakeland 2 The picture is beautiful 3 Clouds are a blue bloom with life 4 From the Meuse away zauwąć occurring rainbow 5 On the picture is a lot of greenery 6 You can see beautiful forests and hills 7 You can see it farmlands and houses 8 is a landscape Suwałki Lake District lake district 9 The picture shows life in Poland 10 This is a nice picture
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1 On this landscape i can see Miscellaneous landscapes 2 Picture is beautiful 3 clouds are blue bloom with life 4 from afar can see occurring rainbow 5 there's lots of green on the picture 6 You can see beautiful forests and hills 7 You can see also cultivated fields and houses 8 It is a landscape of Suwałki Lake District 9 The picture is showing life in Poland 10 this is a nice picture
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1. On thus picture you can see a lot of different lakes. 2. This view is beautiful. 3. The clouds are beautiful and they are flourishing with life. 4. At the back We can see the occuring rainbow. 5. On this picture you can see a lot of green plants and things. 6. You can see beautiful forests and hills. 7. Also We can see crop fields and houses. 8. It is a landscape Suwałki Lake District. 9. This presents life in Poland. 10. It is a nice picture.
2 The picture is beautiful
3 Clouds are a blue bloom with life
4 From the Meuse away zauwąć occurring rainbow
5 On the picture is a lot of greenery
6 You can see beautiful forests and hills
7 You can see it farmlands and houses
8 is a landscape Suwałki Lake District lake district
9 The picture shows life in Poland
10 This is a nice picture
2 Picture is beautiful
3 clouds are blue bloom with life
4 from afar can see occurring rainbow
5 there's lots of green on the picture
6 You can see beautiful forests and hills
7 You can see also cultivated fields and houses
8 It is a landscape of Suwałki Lake District
9 The picture is showing life in Poland
10 this is a nice picture
2. This view is beautiful.
3. The clouds are beautiful and they are flourishing with life.
4. At the back We can see the occuring rainbow.
5. On this picture you can see a lot of green plants and things.
6. You can see beautiful forests and hills.
7. Also We can see crop fields and houses.
8. It is a landscape Suwałki Lake District.
9. This presents life in Poland.
10. It is a nice picture.