Hej. Mam na zadanie z angielskiego napisać jakiś wywiad z dziadkami lub sąsiadem. Polecenie brzmi tak: Write a decription of an old person's childhood. Choose a person e.g your grandmother or a neighbour.Write questions to ask about his/her childhood.
.when he/she was born . where he/she lived .family .television .school .weekends .films .music
Ok no to powiedzmy ze opiauje moją babcie. Jest zmyślone ale postaram sie zeby brzmialo wiarygodnie ;D
I'm describing my grandmother. She was born in 1934 y, so she is 75 years old now. Her childhood she was spending in small village near the Warsow. Her family was big- she had two sisters, one brother, mum and dad, but dad didn't live with them. They had not televiovion, so she cannot watch the films. They could know the information from the radio. Ofcourse she was going to school where she has a lot of friends. At the weekend she was helping her mum in home and she had not a lot of free time. Sometimes she watched the filmes in friend's homes and then she also listen to the radio.
Tłumaczenie na Polski: Opisuję moją babcię. Urodzila sie w 1934 r, więc ma teraz 75 lat. Swoje dzieciństwo spędzila w małej wśi pod warszawą. JEj rodzina byla duza- miala dwie siostry jednego brata, mame i tate, ale on nie mieszkal z nimi. NIe mieli telewizora wiec nie mogla oglądac filmów. Oczywiscie chodzila do szkoly gdzie miala dużo koleżanek. W weekendy pomagala mamie w domu wiec nie miala duzo wolnego czasu. CZsami oglądala filmy u kolezanek i wtedy sluchala muzyki.
I'm describing my grandmother. She was born in 1934 y, so she is 75 years old now. Her childhood she was spending in small village near the Warsow. Her family was big- she had two sisters, one brother, mum and dad, but dad didn't live with them. They had not televiovion, so she cannot watch the films. They could know the information from the radio. Ofcourse she was going to school where she has a lot of friends. At the weekend she was helping her mum in home and she had not a lot of free time. Sometimes she watched the filmes in friend's homes and then she also listen to the radio.
Tłumaczenie na Polski:
Opisuję moją babcię. Urodzila sie w 1934 r, więc ma teraz 75 lat. Swoje dzieciństwo spędzila w małej wśi pod warszawą. JEj rodzina byla duza- miala dwie siostry jednego brata, mame i tate, ale on nie mieszkal z nimi. NIe mieli telewizora wiec nie mogla oglądac filmów. Oczywiscie chodzila do szkoly gdzie miala dużo koleżanek. W weekendy pomagala mamie w domu wiec nie miala duzo wolnego czasu. CZsami oglądala filmy u kolezanek i wtedy sluchala muzyki.