Sebutkan masing masing 100 ungkapan tentang 1. asking information 2. giving information 3. deny information 4. asking opinion 5. giving opinion 6. reject opinion 7. offering something 8. accept something 9. reject something 10. asking someone's help 11. respond 12. giving some help 13. to reject someone's help
1. where do you play football 2.i play football in the field 3. sorry its not true 4.what do you think about the lady? 5. i think she's great 6. 7.would you like some coffe 8.yes i do, thanks 9. sorry i dont drink coffe 10 11. 12. 13.
aku cuma tau itu aja maaf yaa :( maaf juga kalo ada yang salaah
2.i play football in the field
3. sorry its not true
4.what do you think about the lady?
5. i think she's great
7.would you like some coffe
8.yes i do, thanks
9. sorry i dont drink coffe
aku cuma tau itu aja maaf yaa :( maaf juga kalo ada yang salaah