Sa do rozwiazania 3 zadania prosze o pomoc. Sa one zapisane w formie obrazu ale można je przeczytac tylko trzeba powiekszyc.
Z góry bardzo dziekuje za pomoc
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Zadanie 1.
1 True (Yes, I do spray my grass with beer and I also use garlic, instant tea and moutwash…)
2 False (… garden tones that you can prepare at home for PENNIES…)
3 True ( find out how to: …)
4 False ( you will ALSO receive: Grandma’s Garden Secrets) to jest inna książka
5 False ( any TWO books – save £6.90, any THREE books - save £13.80)
Zadanie 2.
1 D (They’d come here because he needed to phone)
2 C (…that Randall understood. Nick began to see the differences…) opisywane podczas spaceru na rynku, są tylko dwie osoby więc jedną z nich jest Nick Randall) Charlie to kobieta
3 B (The white man was clearly still a stranger here)
4 D (C też może być poprawne. Uśmiechała się z powodu wysokiego napiwku więc i "big and wide" i "sweetly" pasuje ale raczej "sweetly)
5 B (Randall guesses he’d wrongly counted the zeros on the banknote he’d given her) dał kelnerce za dużo pieniędzy zeszłego wieczoru
6 D (Randall didn’t Charlie around when he made his call)
7 D (“Hey why not take some shots of the market…; well what about getting us a couple of drinks”)
8 A (they stepped into the air-conditioned cool of the telephone office)
Zadanie 3.
1 C does she
2 B were waiting
3 A broke
4 C so
5 B are you doing
6 B I'll help
7 C I heard
8 B yet
9 B don't have to
10 A come
11 B have you been
12 A didn't use to
13 C too much
14 B Take them off
15 C his name was
16 that
17 won't
18 as
19 most
20 to
21 had
22 would
23 were
24 Neither
25 have