September 2018 2 38 Report

Są mi potrzebne rozważania na temat Tajeminicy 1 z Części Radosnej czyli Zawiastowania NMP

pomóżcie. bo jest mi to bardzo potrzebne. mam religię teraz z katechetką i wymyśliła, że przy odmawianiu różańca każdy z nas bd musiał przygotować jakieś rozważania ;|

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12. Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki (1-3) podanymi wyrazami (A-F) tak, aby powstał tekst poprawny pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym. Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo.own - much - improve - start - hard - strongSpinach is packed with vitamins and nutrients like beta-carotene , which can 1) __________ your eyesight and Vitamin K which helps build 2) ___________ hard bones. There are so many ways to eat it; try a spinach salad, spinach pasta or a spinach shake! You could even come up with your 3) ____________ spinach recipes and benefit from this wonder food; you won't regret it !13. Przeczytaj tekst ( A-D ) i uzupełnij zdania (1-4), wybierając właściwą odpowiedź. A,B lub C.a) Directions for use:Wash your hands and put a small amount of cream on your fingers.Apply the cream twice a day to the affected area and massage gently. Do not stop the treatmenty until the skin has healed completely. Do not use this product if you are allergic to cetostearyl alcohol.If symptoms persist or if serious side effects occur, consult your doctor.b) The Healing Power of Olive Oil is the new book by Colin Oriol. The book starts with a fascinating history of oil from Ancient Greece to the modern day. Then, Oriol lists the many health benefits of olive oil. For instance, Oriol claims that olive oil can prevent diabetes and relieve the pain caused by serious diseastes. The book also contains a number of recipes that will allow oile oil to become part of your daily diet. For those interested in natural remedies , this book schould't be missed!c) Sam,Could you take the dog to the vet ? He hasn't been himself today. He hasn't drunk anything since the morning and hasn't touched his food at all! He hasn't mved very much either. He didn't even want to go for a walk with me in the afternoon. I called the vet and made an appointment for 7. Don't be late because they close at 7.30. I'd go myself but I have to go to work now. Call me later. Lindad)Where: Student HallWhen: 14th June - 2pm - 5pmPlease note that to donate blood you must:- be at least 18 years of age.- weigh no less that 45kg.- have normal blood pressure.1. According to the directions, the cream shoulda) only be used on the fingers.b) be used until the affected area is better.c) be applied by a doctor.2. The book containsa) a history of olive oil up to Ancient Greece.b) instructions on how to use olive oil in your cooking.c) information on how oile oil can cure serious diseases.3. Linda and Sam's dog a) went for a walk in the afternoon.b) has an appointment with the vet at 7.30.c) hasn't eaten anything all day.4. To give blood, you musta) show indentyfication.b) be 45kg or lower in weight.c) be less than 18 years old.14. a) Dopasuj wyróżnione w tekstach A-D słowa do ich podanych niżej znaczeń :quantity - continue - become healthy - put on - standart - soothe - interesting - stop - ask - advantagesb) Wstaw : relieve, blood, affected, natural, side, olive, daily, make. Wybierz cztery z utworzonych wrażeń i ułóż z nimi zdania.1. ______________ area2. ______________ effect3. to ____________ an appointment4. ______________ presure5. ______________ oil6. to____________ pain 7. ______________ diet8. ______________ remedies
16. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami następującyh wyrazów :cure - treat - examine - heal - sufler - operate1. After talking the medicine, she was _____________ of the illness.2. Peter ___________ from headaches. 3. The nurse ______________ him for some minor cuts.4. The surgeon will ____________ on him tomorrow.5. The doctor _______________ him, but he found nothing wrong.6. It took two weeks for the wound to ___________ .23. Uzupełnij zdania, korzystając z wyrazów w nawiasach. Dodaj niezbędne elementy, aby utworzyć logicznie i gramatycznie poprawne wypowiedzenia. Nie zmieniaj kolejności wyrazów w nawiasach. W każdym zdaniu możesz użyć maksymalnie czterech elementów.1. Jenny (play/hockey) when she bruised her leg. Jenny _____________________ when she bruised her leg.2. Don't eat too many sweets or (you/get) a stomach ache. Don't eat too many sweets or ___________________ a stomach ache.3. By (eat/protein) you can help your body build muscle. By ___________________________ you can help your body build muscle.4. Harry (cough/all) morning. Harry ___________________ morning.5. The last time I went to the doctor, he (presceibe/I ) medicine for asthma. The last time I went to the doctor, he ___________________ medicine for asthma.24. Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij luki (1-5) wpisując wyrazy z ramki w odpowiedniej formie. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo.constant - important - build - tooth - make - consumeCalcium is a mineral that the body needs to build strong bones and 1) ___________ . Did you know that your bones are 2) __________ changing; either becoming denser or thinner ? It's important thereforme for people over thirty years of age to get enouhg calcium in their diets because the body builds up most bone mass from childhood through young adulthood. Most people think that you can only get calcium by 3) ______________ dairy products, like milk and youghurt, but there are many other foods to choose from including leafy green vegetables, beans and even salomon. Exercise is also important for 4) ____________ strong bones. Lifting weights, hiking or playing tennis can really add density to your bones. Calcium is one of 5) ____________ minerals that our bodies need, so make sure you get enough.

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