September 2018 2 24 Report
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Potrzebuję tłumaczenia tekstu na już xp dam naj :) i nie z translatorów!! ani z google tłumacz! They Cracked Thr Code - Or Did They ? Francis Crick and James Watson solved the mystery of human DNA in 1953 and shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962. But was it all their own work, or did they steal someone else's? Many believe that Crick and Watson's discovery was largely based on X-ray pictures of atoms taken by a woman scientist, Rosalind Franklin. In 1950 Franklin started taking photos of atoms at King's College London, believing that the structure DNA, either Franklin or Crick and Watson could have been the first to publish their results. But did the men win by cheating? Franklin was accustomed to male prejudice against female scientists. Her father had refused to pay for her to study at Cambridge until he was persuaded to change his mind. And when she passed her exams, the university did not give her a full degree - only men could be given full degrees. At King's women couldn't be served in the same dining room as male scientists. What's more, her male colleague, Maurice Wilkins, treated her like an assistant; according to Watson, he believed that Franklin 'had to go or be put in her place'. Yet it was Franklin's pictures, described as 'the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance ever taken', which provided the clue to the mystery of DNA. In 1953 Maurice Wilkins showed one of Franklin's X-rays(Photo 51) to Watson without telling her. Wilkins explained to Watson how the picture could be used to work out the structure of DNA. Both Crick and Watson clearly benefited from Franklin's work, but didn't acknowledge it at the time. Ironically, the cancer from which Feanklin died five years later, at the age of 37, was probably caused by X-rays. Many people think that Franklin deserves to be awarded a Nobel Prize now. However, Nobel prizes may only be given to the living, so Franklin can't be honoured in this way. But her life should't be seen as a failure. She is beginning to be recognised as a brilliant scientist, and in 2002 the British government created the Franklin prize, worth £30,000, to be given each year to a woman scientist.

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