October 2018 1 15 Report

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Prosze o sprwadzenie tej rozprawkiUniversity students should pay for their own education.Everyone can agree that education is really important nowadays, especially studies are important for those who are finishing their education in high schools. However if it is correct that studies are free for every person? Perhaps they should be paid. Maybe tuition for all universities would reform them?There are few advantages to paid studies. Firstly, it would be easier to get it for those who really want to finish their studies. Secondly, universities would have more money so they would upgrade quality of services which they are giving to students. Thirdly, we should think about our national budget. There are billions of euro which our country is giving for studies, and what students do after finishing education- emigrate for different countries and not paying any taxes here so ZUS doesn’t have enough money for pensioners, but if young people will pay for studies they would respect their homeland. Finally, supporters of paid studies also belive that universities which have money can give their best students some grants for good scores.However there are also lots of argument against paid studies. Firstly, if everyone would have to pay for high- education it can be luxury only for few. Secondly, after 40 years it won’t be much employers with higher education so our country will be in crisis.In conclusion, education is necessary and if we would pay for her, it would be better but it could also be really rare. In my opinion education shouldn’t be totally free, but not really expensive too. That will be the compromise which would please everyone.

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