August 2018 1 29 Report
Potrzebuje esej na angielski na jeden z tematów(150-200 słów), najlepiej do wtorku...:
1. What are trade unions?Are they essential in the world of work?Juslify your opinion.

2.Why do so many people in the modern world become workaholic?Could this be called a disease?

3.Retirement should be made compulsory for everyone at the age 60. Discuss.

4.Having a happy family and personal life is more important than a successful career.Discuss.

5.How important is good education and qualifications in finding a job? Is there a relationship between the education/qualifications you have and the money you earn?

6.Should teenagers work,e.g.take up part-time or holiday jobs, in order to earn some money of their own?At that age shoould prople start earning money?

7.What, in your opinion, motivates people most to go to work: boredom, the need to make a living or the need for respect and social recognition? Can you think of other reason?

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