Przetłumaczyć zdania na język angielski tam gdzie to możliwe użyj There is lub There are.
1.Możesz dowiedzieć się wszystkiego o świecie z internetu (+) (-) (?) 2.W budynku jest wystawa starożytnych modeli 1.Możesz dowiedzieć się wszystkiego o świecie z internetu (+) (-) (?) 2.W budynku jest wystawa starożytnych modeli (+) 3.Ja zawsze jestem w domu rano (+) 4.W domu jest jeden pies. (+) (-) (?)
1. It is possible to find out everything from the Internet. 2. In the building there is ancient models' exhibition. 3. In the morning I'm always at home. 4. In the house there is one dog.
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Jeśli chodzi o zdanie twierdzące przeczące i pytające to:
1. You can learn of everything about world from the Internet You can't learn of everything about world from the Internet Whether you can learn of everything about world from the Internet?
2. There is an exhibition of ancient models in the building There isn't an exhibition of ancient models in the building Is there an exhibition of ancient models in the building?
3. I am always at home in the morning I not always am at home in the morning Am I always at home in the morning?
4. One dog is at home. One dog isn't at home. Is one dog at home?
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2. In the building there is ancient models' exhibition.
3. In the morning I'm always at home.
4. In the house there is one dog.
You can learn of everything about world from the Internet
You can't learn of everything about world from the Internet
Whether you can learn of everything about world from the Internet?
There is an exhibition of ancient models in the building
There isn't an exhibition of ancient models in the building
Is there an exhibition of ancient models in the building?
I am always at home in the morning
I not always am at home in the morning
Am I always at home in the morning?
One dog is at home.
One dog isn't at home.
Is one dog at home?
Nie wiem czy o to Ci chodziło, więc proszę , abyś nie uznał/a tego za spam.