Przetłumaczcie mi na angielski;)
Majka, czyli to co najlepsze: miłość, młodość, pasja
„Majka” to opowieść o miłości, ale miłości niezwykłej i wręcz nieprawdopodobnej, dziejącej się w magicznym Krakowie. Majka Olkowicz jest studentką fotografii na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie. Poznajemy ją w momencie, kiedy walczy o stypendium na prestiżowej uczelni we Florencji. Ma świadomość, że ten wyjazd i nauka pod okiem guru – Mauro Benzy – może otworzyć jej wiele drzwi. Majka, jak wiele współczesnych młodych dziewczyn, dąży do spełnienia zawodowego, które ma jej dać poczucie bezpieczeństwa. Uważa, że dopiero, gdy uporządkuje tę sferę życia, będzie mogła poszukać prawdziwej miłości. Jednak los ma wobec niej zupełnie inne plany. Angażuje w nie przystojnego architekta – Michała Duszyńskiego, męża pięknej ale i podstępnej Aleksandry.
Los łączy trójkę głównych bohaterów w kluczowym momencie ich życia. Majka studiuje i całkowicie poświęca się swojej fotograficznej pasji, natomiast Michał i jego żona Aleksandra od dłuższego czasu starają się o dziecko i po raz pierwszy są bardzo blisko sukcesu w tej sprawie.
Niestety nie ze swojej woli główna bohaterka przez pomyłkę w szpitalu zachodzi w ciąże. Jest to dziecko jej szefa Michała chociaż oni o tym nie wiedzą. Michał bardzo chce się dowiedzieć kto ma jego dziecko, Majka natomiast nie chce wiedzieć kim jest ojciec dziecka, bo zakochuje się w swoim szefie
W ostatnim odcinku:
Majka w ostatniej chwili zmienia zdanie i nie pojawia się na spotkaniu z Mikołajem(szefem kliniki). Michał jest załamany. Myśl, że gdzieś tam jest kobieta, która nosi jego dziecko, nie daje mu spokoju. Majka stara się przekonać wszystkich, że nie potrzebuje ojca, by wychować dziecko. Anna podejrzewa, że jej córka jest zakochana w Michale. Aleksandra czuje, że zaczyna tracić Michała i że Majka jest poważną przeszkodą w utrzymaniu ich związku.
plis zróbcie mi to szybko dam najlepszą;)
z góry dzięki;);)
The fate is linking the three of the main characters in the crucial moment of their life. Majka is studying and he is devoting himself entirely to his photographic Passion service, however Michał and his wife of Aleksander for a long time are trying the child to get and for the first time they are very close the success in this matter.
Unfortunately not around of one's will the chief heroine by mistake at the hospital is calling into pregnancies. There is this child of her boss of Michał although they don't know about it. Michał very much wants to learn who has his child, however Majka doesn't want to know whom the father of the child is, because he is falling in love with his boss in the last stretch:
Majka at the last moment is changing her mind and he doesn't appear at the meeting with Mikołaj (with the boss of the clinic). Michał is depressed. Think that there is a woman which is carrying his child somewhere or other, he isn't giving him the peace. Majka is trying to convince everyone that he doesn't need the father in order to raise a child. Anna suspects that for her the daughter is in love with Michał. Aleksandra feels that he is starting losing Michał and Majka is a major impediment in maintaining their relationship.
The fate is linking the three of the main characters in the crucial moment of their life. Majka is studying and he is devoting himself entirely to his photographic Passion service, however Michał and his wife of Aleksander for a long time are trying the child to get and for the first time they are very close the success in this matter.
Unfortunately not around of one's will the chief heroine by mistake at the hospital is calling into pregnancies. There is this child of her boss of Michał although they don't know about it. Michał very much wants to learn who has his child, however Majka doesn't want to know whom the father of the child is, because he is falling in love with his boss in the last stretch:
Majka at the last moment is changing her mind and he doesn't appear at the meeting with Mikołaj (with the boss of the clinic). Michał is depressed. Think that there is a woman which is carrying his child somewhere or other, he isn't giving him the peace. Majka is trying to convince everyone that he doesn't need the father in order to raise a child. Anna suspects that for her the daughter is in love with Michał. Aleksandra feels that he is starting losing Michał and Majka is a major impediment in maintaining their relationship.
"Majka" is a story about love, but love the extraordinary and almost incredible, magical happening in Krakow. Majka Olkowicz is a student of photography at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. We meet her at a time when fighting for a scholarship to a prestigious university in Florence. Is aware that this trip and study under the guidance of a guru - Mauro Benzy - can open many doors for her. Majka, like many contemporary young women, seeks to meet the training, which has given her a sense of security. Believes that only when put in order this sphere of life, will be able to find true love. However, fate is against the very different plans. Engages in no handsome architect - Michael Duszyńskiego, a husband and a beautiful but insidious Alexandra.
Los combines three main characters at a crucial moment in their lives. Majka studying and totally devoted to his passion for photography, but Michael and his wife, Alexander has long been trying to conceive for the first time are very close to success in this case.
Unfortunately, the main character in his will by mistake at the hospital occurs in pregnancy. It is the child's head Michael though they do not know this. Michael desperately wants to know who is his child, Majka but do not want to know who is the father of the child, he falls in love with her boss
In the last episode:
Majka last-minute changes his mind and will not appear at a meeting with Nikolai (head of the clinic). Michael is depressed. The idea that somewhere there is a woman who bears his child, does not give him no peace. Majka is trying to convince everyone that does not need a father to raise a child. Anna suspects that her daughter is in love with Michael. Alexander feels that he begins to lose Michael and that Majka is a major obstacle in maintaining their relationship.