Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski w present simple.
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1. Dzieci nie były w szkole, w domu też ich nie było. 2. Byłeś szczęśliwy, kiedy byłeś dzieckiem? 3. To było 5 lat temu. 4. Czy nauczyciel był w klasie? 5. Była tutaj wczoraj. 6. Dlaczego odwiedziłeś wczoraj Johna? 7. Nie odrobiłem zadania domowego. 8. Moi rodzice wyjechali do pracy. 9. Philip studiował prawo na uniwersytecie w Glasgow. 10. Oni polecieli do Paryża zeszłego wieczoru.
1 The kids were not at school and they were not at home too. 2. Were you happy, when yoy were a child? 3. It was 5 years ago. 4. Was the teacher in the classroom? 5. She was there yesterday. 6. Why did you visit John yesterday. 7. I have not done my homework. 8. My parents went to work. 9. Philip was studying law at Glasgow University 10. They went to Paris by plane last evening.
2. Were you happy, when yoy were a child?
3. It was 5 years ago.
4. Was the teacher in the classroom?
5. She was there yesterday.
6. Why did you visit John yesterday.
7. I have not done my homework.
8. My parents went to work.
9. Philip was studying law at Glasgow University
10. They went to Paris by plane last evening.