Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski. 1. Gdybym w zeszłym miesiącu nie wracał do domu sam w środku nocy, nie miałbym podbitego oka i złamanej szczęki. 2. Na twoim miejscu starała bym się zapobiec oparzeniom słonecznym, kiedy jestem na urlopie nad morzem. 3. Chciałbym, żebyś nie czuła się słabo i nie miała zawrotów głowy. 4. Gdybyś nie miał astmy i kataru siennego, lekarz nie przepisywał by ci tabletek przeciwhistaminowych. 5. Gdybym miała problemy z nadwagą i niestrawność, przeszła bym na dietę i poprosiła swojego lekarza o lekarstwa ziołowe. 6. Gdyby zarezerwowała wizytę w styczniu zeszłego roku, lekarz zbadałby ją w marcu lub w kwietniu. 7. Chciałbym, żeby moja siostra wyzdrowiała i mogła znów wsiąść na rower. 8. Lekarz nie zdiagnozował by wtedy zawału serca, gdyby pacjent nie uskarżał się na ból w klatce piersiowej. 9. Teraz zmierzę panu temperaturę i zrobię badanie krwi. 10. Myślę, że boli panią gardło, ma pani gorączkę i katar, bo zaraziła się pani grypą. 11. Gdybym skręciła kostkę na wakacjach, zrobiłabym okład z lodu. 12. Chciałabym, żeby istniało lekarstwo na ten wirus. 13. Gdybym nauczył się w szkole udzielać pierwszej pomocy, wiedziałbym wczoraj, jak zatrzymać swój krwotok z nosa. 14. Ekipa ratunkowa mogłaby ratować więcej osób, gdyby miała lepszy samochód. 15. Gdybyś mnie wcześniej nie nabierał, uwierzyłabym wtedy, że masz zwichnięty bark.
1. If I hadn't come back home alone the previous month at night, I wouldn't have had a black eye and a broken jaw 2. If I were you, I would try to prevent sunburns, when you are on holiday by the sea. 3. I wish you didn't feel week and didn't have vertigo. 4. If you didn't have asthma and hay fever, the doctor wouldn't prescribe you antihistaminic pills. 5. If I had problems with being overweight and had indigestion, I would go on diet and ask my doctor for herbal medicine / treatment 6. If she had made an appointment in Janaury the previous year, the doctor would have examined her in March or April ( Polskie NFZ w całej okazałości :) 7. I wish my sister recovered and could ride a bike again. 8. The doctor wouldn't have diagnosed a heart attack then, if the patient wouldn't have complained about chest pains. 9. I'm going to take your temperature now and do a blood test. 10. I think you have a sore throat, you have a fever and runny nose, since you have been infected with flu. 11. If I twisted my ankle in summer, I would apply an ice compress. 12. I wish there was a cure for this virus. 13 If I had learnt in school how to give first aid, I would know how to stop my nosebleed yesterday. 14. The rescue team could have saved more people, if they had a better car / vehicle. 15. If you hadn't been having me on before, I would have have believed that you have dislocated you shoulder.
2. If I were you, I would try to prevent sunburns, when you are on holiday by the sea.
3. I wish you didn't feel week and didn't have vertigo.
4. If you didn't have asthma and hay fever, the doctor wouldn't prescribe you antihistaminic pills.
5. If I had problems with being overweight and had indigestion, I would go on diet and ask my doctor for herbal medicine / treatment
6. If she had made an appointment in Janaury the previous year, the doctor would have examined her in March or April ( Polskie NFZ w całej okazałości :)
7. I wish my sister recovered and could ride a bike again.
8. The doctor wouldn't have diagnosed a heart attack then, if the patient wouldn't have complained about chest pains.
9. I'm going to take your temperature now and do a blood test.
10. I think you have a sore throat, you have a fever and runny nose, since you have been infected with flu.
11. If I twisted my ankle in summer, I would apply an ice compress.
12. I wish there was a cure for this virus.
13 If I had learnt in school how to give first aid, I would know how to stop my nosebleed yesterday.
14. The rescue team could have saved more people, if they had a better car / vehicle.
15. If you hadn't been having me on before, I would have have believed that you have dislocated you shoulder.