"Nigdy nie poddaję się wpływowi żadnych reklam. Jestem człowiekiem niezależnym." Prawda czy fałsz? uzasadnij. -długość: pół strony A5
kamila012 Nowadays, it is very difficult to stay away from the influence of media and commercials. In our every day life we notice that they are everywhere, When we are going to school, when we are listening to the radio, watching tv and surfing the Internet. Sometimes we are not even aware of the influence they have. We may think that we are free but there is a psychology behind the commercials. People, who create it know what to do and say to make us buy something. I do not think we are fully free from the influence of commercials.
Nowadays, it is very difficult to stay away from the influence of media and commercials. In our every day life we notice that they are everywhere, When we are going to school, when we are listening to the radio, watching tv and surfing the Internet. Sometimes we are not even aware of the influence they have. We may think that we are free but there is a psychology behind the commercials. People, who create it know what to do and say to make us buy something. I do not think we are fully free from the influence of commercials.