Przetłumacz zdania na angielski (tylko nie na translatorze) ... DUŻO PUNKTÓW
1. Przestań się nabijać, on naprawdę przebił sobie uszy. 2. Nie mam pojęcia co będę robił w wakacje. 3. Wyluzuj, przecież nie mam zamiaru się malować. 4. Odchodzę od pomysłu pracy w modelingu. 5. Jaki będzie efekt mojego lenistwa ? 6. Moje lenistwo wpływa na wyniki w szkole. 7. Jestem w kiepskim humorze dzisiaj. 8. Przestań mnie naśladować ! 9. Unikam pisania testów. 10. Co powiesz na zrobienie tego później. 11. Moja mama zawsze przypomina mi żebym szedł na angielski.
1.Stop the laugh, he really pierced his ears. 2.I have no idea what I would do in the holidays. 3.Chill out I do not intend to paint. 4.Going away from the idea of work in modeling 5.What will be the result of my laziness? 6.My laziness affects outcomes at school. 7.I'm in a bad mood today. 8.Stop imitate me! 9.I avoid writing exams 10.What you think about doing this later? 11.My mom always reminds me that I walked into English.
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1. Come on yourselves, he stick pierced her ears. 2. I have no idea what I would do in the holidays. 3. Come on, yet I do not intend to paint. 4. Going away from the idea of work in modeling. 5. What will be the result of my laziness? 6. My laziness affects school performance. 7. I'm in a bad mood today. 8. Stop Me imitate! 9. Avoid writing tests. 10. How about doing this later. 11. My mom always reminds me that I walked into English.
2.I have no idea what I would do in the holidays.
3.Chill out I do not intend to paint.
4.Going away from the idea of work in modeling
5.What will be the result of my laziness?
6.My laziness affects outcomes at school.
7.I'm in a bad mood today.
8.Stop imitate me!
9.I avoid writing exams
10.What you think about doing this later?
11.My mom always reminds me that I walked into English.
2. I have no idea what I would do in the holidays.
3. Come on, yet I do not intend to paint.
4. Going away from the idea of work in modeling.
5. What will be the result of my laziness?
6. My laziness affects school performance.
7. I'm in a bad mood today.
8. Stop Me imitate!
9. Avoid writing tests.
10. How about doing this later.
11. My mom always reminds me that I walked into English.