Proszę o napisanie po angielsku jak możemy nie zanieczyszczać wody.DUŻO PUNKTÓW !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Poprzez poniższe punkty możemy dokonać nie zanieczyszczania wód :
1. install water meters - easy to control water consumption, 2. Check and adjust valves, 3. taking a shower instead of a bath, 4. Carved tap when the moment we do not use water, eg in the course of brushing your teeth, shaving, washing, 5. use of household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher) with low water consumption, 6. use instead of prolonged soaking pre-wash, 7. washing and washing machines in completely filled, in accordance with the instruction manual, Avoid detergents that contain phosphates and chlorine, 9. establishment of catalysts in cars 10. use of natural fertilizers 11. the use of detergents with the word biodetergenty 12. not disposing of waste into rivers and lakes 13. do not use chemicals and the use of highly corrosive 14. do not wash cars on the open waters 15. building is not septic tanks near the water 16. not pouring sewage into the waters
1. install water meters - easy to control water consumption,
2. Check and adjust valves,
3. taking a shower instead of a bath,
4. Carved tap when the moment we do not use water, eg in the course of brushing your teeth, shaving, washing,
5. use of household appliances (washing machine, dishwasher) with low water consumption,
6. use instead of prolonged soaking pre-wash,
7. washing and washing machines in completely filled, in accordance with the instruction manual, Avoid detergents that contain phosphates and chlorine,
9. establishment of catalysts in cars
10. use of natural fertilizers
11. the use of detergents with the word biodetergenty
12. not disposing of waste into rivers and lakes
13. do not use chemicals and the use of highly corrosive
14. do not wash cars on the open waters
15. building is not septic tanks near the water
16. not pouring sewage into the waters