Przetłumacz zdania: 1.Co cię martwi?Wyglądasz na przygnębionego 2.Co wiesz o Historii Polski? 3.Nigdy nie słyszałem o tej piosence 4.Na pewno żartujesz 5.Przykro mi to słyszeć 6.Obawiam się że to jest niemożliwe 7.Ile kosztują te buty 8.Czy możesz mi wskazać drogę do dworca?
Uwaga.! Zdania mają byc przetłumaczone dosadnie. Za jakieś głupoty lub przetłumaczenie z translate zgłaszam spam.Aaa i za najlepiej przetłumaczone daje Naj :)
1. What are you weighed down with. You are looking worried. 2. What do you know abuot polish history ? 3. I've never heard about this song. 4. I'm sure you are kidding. 5. I'm sorry to hear that. 6. I'm afraid it's impossible. 7. How much this shoes cost ? 8. Can you show me the way to terminal ?
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1. What is worring you? You are looking like depressed. 2. What are you know about history of Poland? 3. I never heard about this song. 4. You are joking. 5. I am sorry to hear that. 6. I am afraid that it is impossible. 7. How much are these shoes? 8. Can you point me the way to the station?
2. What do you know abuot polish history ?
3. I've never heard about this song.
4. I'm sure you are kidding.
5. I'm sorry to hear that.
6. I'm afraid it's impossible.
7. How much this shoes cost ?
8. Can you show me the way to terminal ?
2. What are you know about history of Poland?
3. I never heard about this song.
4. You are joking.
5. I am sorry to hear that.
6. I am afraid that it is impossible.
7. How much are these shoes?
8. Can you point me the way to the station?