September 2018 2 52 Report

Popraw błędy - gramatyczne,interpunkcyjne itp. nie chodzi mi o literówki tylko głównie o gramnatykę i poprawność

Jest to mój speach na angielski i po prostu chcę sprawdzić ile mam błędów.

We can find advertisments everywhere, there are on TV, in the letter box, on the Internet and on billboards. Sometimes we are fed up with them , but they are very important in our lives because there're helpful when we have a problem buying a product.

I think that adverts should have good slogans for example : Firm nike have 'Just do it' but im my opinion humor is the most important. We love laughing and having fun so this type of adverts is the most effectwive. In fact a song can also convince someone that the product is nice and we should but it. If this is a really good song its rhythm and words can get stuck in someones head. For example I still remember the song from the ad of Bonduelle. I also think that adverts with animals and celebrities aren't successful because they're boring and they are wasting my time when I watch TV

When It comes to the most successful advertising the best one is sports sponsorship. I'll show how it works for me. When i'm watching a football match and I see Puma logo on the t-shirt of Polish national team and I'm later in the shop and I see a shirt with that logo I remind mylself that it was located on the t-shirt of Polish national football team , so I finally buy it.
Maybe it's strange but I think that the rest forms of adverts are boring and annoying. I really hate cold-calling. If i juest heard "Hello We would like to invite you to the fair of furniture" I just thow the handset. Junk emails are disgusting thinkgs, It's a plague! Oh and I never take leaflets because I'm not collecting a paper.

But the most annoying are adverts during the film. Sometimes they last for twenty minutes!
Finally I want to summarize. Adverts can be very helpful but they also control us in some way. Most of the adverts are boring, annoying and should be removed especially from the TV

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