September 2018 1 20 Report
Przetłumacz na Polski:
M: Hi Sandra. What are you doing?
S: I'm looking at this magazine about the solar system. It's really interesting.
M: I saw a solar eclipse once in 1999.
S: What's a solar eclipse?
M: It's when the moon covers the sun.
S: What happened?
M: Well I was about five years old. I was with my falily in France. In the morning we bought some special glasses. But somebody stole mine! I left them on a tabl in the cafe and when I wennt back the waren't there!
S: What did you do?
M: My dad gave me his.

S: So what about the eclipse ?
M: Well. The moon started to clover the sun , and it went very quiet and windy. Then it began to get dark.
S: Did it go completely dark?
M: No it didn't. There was a yellow circle of light round the moon. I took my glasses off and my mum shouted at me. I think she was scared.
S: Why was she scared?
M: Becouse you can hurt your eyes if you look at an eclipse , even if you look at it quickly or accidentally.
S: Oh. So when is the next eclipse?
M: I don't know. Isn't it in your magazine?


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