October 2018 2 36 Report

Przetłumacz na język polski nie z tłumacza bo zgłosze nawet mam tekst po polsku z tłumacza więc nie biercie z tamtąd

Mrs Black: Hello Max. Hello Carrie.
Max: Hello Mrs Black. Can you help Fluffy?
I think she 's sick. In the morning she usually runs into the garden and climbs trees. Then she comes inside. She eats her food...
Carie: And she plays with her toy mouse.
Mrs Black: So what's matter today?
Max: Well, she isn't running or eating or plaing. She's lying in her basket.
Carrie: She's lying there but she isn't sleeping...
Mrs Black: She's looking at her foot. Oh, there's a small piece of glass in her foot.
Max: Can you take it out?
Mrs Black: Yes, I can. There! Her foot's OK now.

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