Moje ferie spędziłam w domu.Grałam na komputerze, czytałam książki.Chodziłam na spacery do parku i nie tylko. Byłam też na lodowisku było wspaniale.Kilka razy byłam też na basenie.Ferie minęły bardzo szybko i trzeba wracać do szkoły.
proszę o pomoc!!
Zgłoś nadużycie!
I spent my holidays at home. I played on the computer, read a book. Went for walks in the park and beyond. I was also on the ice rink was great. Several times I was also in the pool. Holiday passed very quickly and you need to go back to school
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Zgłoś nadużycie!
I spent my winter holidays in house.I play on computer and I read a books.I walks to the park and beyond. I was also on the ice rink -it was amazing . Sometimes I was also on the swimming pool . The winter holidays passed very quickly and you need to go back to school.
0 votes Thanks 0
My winter holidays spent in home.I played on computer and I read books.I went for a walk in the park and not just.I was also on the ice rink was well.Several times I was also on swimming pool.Winter holidays passed very quickly and you need to go back to school.