Przetłumacz na angielski: 1. Piotrek jakie masz plany na wakacje? gdzie wyjeżdżasz? ja chcę jechać na wieś do babci. w lipcu chcę pojechać nad morze. będę kąpał się w morzu i opalał. proszę Cię przyślij mi pocztówkę ze swoich wakacji. 2. Piotrek ja boję się jechać autostopem. Boję się że coś nam się stanie, myślę że to jest niebezpieczne. Może pojedziemy autobusem lub pociągiem? Obawiam się tej podróży daj mi trochę czasu na zastanowienie ok? 3. jaki jest repertuar kina na dziś? O której zaczyna się film "Troja"? Ile kosztuje bilet? chcę zarezerwować bilety na sobotę na godzinę 19. 4. Piotrek może kupimy Kasi na urodziny książkę "Zmierzch", dziewczyny mówiły że jest ciekawa i interesująca. Jestem zaskoczony Twoją propozycją, według mnie to jest zły pomysł. może zamiast książki kupimy jej album do zdjęć, będzie mogła trzymać w nim zdjęcia? potrzebuję to na dziś wieczór
1st Peter what are your plans for the holidays? where you going? I want to go to the countryside to visit my grandmother. In July I want to go to the sea. I was swimming in the sea . please do send me a postcard from their holiday. 2nd Peter I'm afraid to go hitchhiking. I'm afraid that something will happen to us, I think it is dangerous. Maybe we'll go by bus or train? I'm afraid this trip give me some time to think about? 3rd What is the repertory cinema today? What time does the movie "Troy"? How much is a ticket? I want to book tickets for Saturday the 19th hour 4th Peter could buy a birthday book Kasia "Twilight," the girl said that it is fun and interesting. I am surprised by your proposal, I think this is a bad idea. maybe instead of books to buy her album of photos, will be able to hold the pictures in it? I need it tonight
1. Peter what are your plans for the holidays? where you going? I want to go to the countryside to visit my grandmother. In July I want to go to the sea. I was swimming in the sea and opalałam. please do send me a postcard from their holiday 2. Peter I'm afraid to go hitchhiking. I'm afraid that something will happen to us, I think it is dangerous. Maybe we'll go by bus or train? I'm afraid this trip give me some time to think about? 3. What is the repertory cinema today? What time does the movie? How much is a ticket? I want to book tickets for the 19th time on Saturday 4. Peter could buy a birthday book Kasia the girl said that it is fun and interesting. I am surprised by your proposal, I think this is a bad idea. maybe instead of books to buy her album of photos, will be able to hold the pictures in it?
2nd Peter I'm afraid to go hitchhiking. I'm afraid that something will happen to us, I think it is dangerous. Maybe we'll go by bus or train? I'm afraid this trip give me some time to think about?
3rd What is the repertory cinema today? What time does the movie "Troy"? How much is a ticket? I want to book tickets for Saturday the 19th hour
4th Peter could buy a birthday book Kasia "Twilight," the girl said that it is fun and interesting. I am surprised by your proposal, I think this is a bad idea. maybe instead of books to buy her album of photos, will be able to hold the pictures in it?
I need it tonight
1. Peter what are your plans for the holidays? where you going? I want to go to the countryside to visit my grandmother. In July I want to go to the sea. I was swimming in the sea and opalałam. please do send me a postcard from their holiday
2. Peter I'm afraid to go hitchhiking. I'm afraid that something will happen to us, I think it is dangerous. Maybe we'll go by bus or train? I'm afraid this trip give me some time to think about? 3. What is the repertory cinema today? What time does the movie? How much is a ticket? I want to book tickets for the 19th time on Saturday
4. Peter could buy a birthday book Kasia the girl said that it is fun and interesting. I am surprised by your proposal, I think this is a bad idea. maybe instead of books to buy her album of photos, will be able to hold the pictures in it?
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