przetlumacz z jezyka polskiego na jezyk angielski
1 Drogi wojku jestem u znajomych ,zaprosil mnie kolega ze szkoly, z ktorym ide na obiad pozniej do kina . bede u niego nocowal ,prosze przyjedz po mnie jutro rano o dziewiatej
2 ze wzgledu na remont lekcje lekcje odbeda sie w sali numer siedem ktora jest na koncu korytarza po prawej stronie . na lekcje zabrac ksiazkido jezyka angielskiego ktory poprowadzi profesor kowalska
3 zapraszam na film armagedon ktory opowiada o koncu swiata . projekcja odbedzie sie w kinie helios o godzinie osmej wieczorem ,zapraszam naprawde warto
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Dear Uncle I'm with friends, a friend invited me, which school I go to dinner, then to the movies. I slept with him, please come pick me up tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.
2. Due to the renovation of the lessons the lessons will be held in room number seven which is at the end of the corridor on the right. Classes to take books to the English Language, which led Professor Kowalska.
3. Welcome to the movie Armageddon, which tells about the end of the world. Will be shown in cinema Helios at eight o'clock in the evening, invite really worth it.
1/ Dear Uncle I'm with friends, invited me to a friend from school, with whom I go for dinner later at the cinema. I slept with him, please come pick me up tomorrow morning at nine o'clock
2/ Due to the renovation of the lessons will be held in room number seven which is at the end of the corridor on the right side. bring books to class English professor who will lead Manilow3/ Welcome to the movie Armagedon which tells about the end of the world. will be shown in cinema helios at eight o'clock in the evening, invite really worth Myślę że pomogłam ale jeszcze to sprawdź bo robiłam to z głowy a jak dobrze to czekam na naj!!!!!!!