1-Najlepsza praca da nastolatkow jest roznoszenie ulotek poniewaz maja kontakt z ludzmi 2- nie chcialbym nigdy pracować jako sprzataczka 3 moim zdaniem nie powinno sie placic dzieciom za sprzatanie w domu poniewaz staja sie materialistami 4 zaleta pracy za granisa sa duze zarobki 5 moim zdaniem lepiej jest pracowac w duzej firmie poniewaz zostajemy anonimowi
1. The best part time job for the teenagers is spreading leaflets, because during this they have a contact with people. 2. I don't want to ever work as a charwoman. 3. In my opinion we shouldn't pay kids for doing hause work, because it makes them materialists. 4. The advantage of the job abroad is good payment. 5. In my opinion, it's better to work in a big firm, because it makes us anonymous.
2. I don't want to ever work as a charwoman.
3. In my opinion we shouldn't pay kids for doing hause work, because it makes them materialists.
4. The advantage of the job abroad is good payment.
5. In my opinion, it's better to work in a big firm, because it makes us anonymous.