Przerób opowiadanie. ! ( PRZEREDAGOWAĆ)
chodzi mi żeby przerobić że np. o 3 w nocy, zmieniać date i wgl pozmieniać całokształt. Proszę o pomoc bo jest mi to potrzebne na jutro.
11th July, 1781
It was 4 o'clock in the morning. We were sailing around Cape Hope on the south coast of Africa when the lookout boy screamed out: " ship coming towards us at full speed! " I came out of my cabin and went to see what was happening. As soon as I was on deck, I saw a huge shipcoming up to the left side. All the people on board were looking at the ship in ssurprise while is was coming closer. I ran to the side to get a better look at this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. I t was then that I realised what happening, That was the famous ghost ship, The Flaying Dutchman. It haunted these waters ever since Captan Van der Decken and his crew died a hundred years ago then the ship sank in a storm. I turned to lookout boy but he was not on the mast. According to legend, whoever looked at the ship closely, disappeared.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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3rd April, 1892
It was 6 o'clock in the morning. We were sailing around La Manche Channel - between Great Britain and France,when the lookout boy screamed out: " ship coming towards us at full speed! " I came out of my cabin and went to see what was happening. As soon as I was on deck, I saw a huge shipcoming up to the left side. All the people on board were looking at the ship in ssurprise while is was coming closer. I ran to the side to get a better look at this strange ship, but the ship was no longer there. I t was then that I realised what happening, That was the famous ghost ship, called "The Haunted One". It haunted these waters ever since Captan Jack Bloodybeard and his crew died a hundred years ago then the ship sank in a storm. I turned to lookout boy but he was not on the mast. According to legend, whoever looked at the ship closely, disappeared.