August 2018 1 14 Report
Przeredaguj ten tekst tak, aby powstał ciekawszy, bardziej interesujący. Około 130 słów. Pamiętaj aby użyć takich słów jak when i while. Proszę Was serdecznie o pomoc do końca dzisiejszego dnia.

Jessica and Adam met five years ago. She was working at London. One day she saw him. He was a university student, but was doing a summer job. He had come to the place where she was working.

As Adam was leaving, he left a little message next to Jessica's computer. Jessica phoned him and they met the same evening. Adam and Jessica liked each other a lot. One day a terrible thing happened. Jessica was hit by a car. She was badly hurt. Six months later Jessica was OK again. Adam had helped her a lot.

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