Przedstaw swoją opinię na 2 z poniżej podanych tematów ok. 5-6 zdań. Nie z translatora DAJĘ NAJ OBOJĘTNIE JAKIE TEMATY 1. Women worry more about their diet than men. 2. Young poeple today eat less healthily than ten years ago. 3. Men cook as a hobby, women cook because they have to. 4. Vegetarians are healhier than people who eat a lot of meat. 5. You can ofter eat betten in cheap restaurants than in expensive ones. 6. Every country thinks that their cooking is the best.
1 Thats a good point. I am a men and I dont care about my weight. Woman often regard that are too fast. So they apply the diet. I think that sometimes it is unnecessarily. I think that some women have complexes about their weight.
2 I agree with this point. Poeple at some time are more healthy because eat was healthy. Now poeple eat in fastfood. Meal in fast food is unhealthy. At some time is not too many car, now if you want go out, you take on car and drive. At some time on must go on foot.
1 Thats a good point. I am a men and I dont care about my weight. Woman often regard that are too fast. So they apply the diet. I think that sometimes it is unnecessarily. I think that some women have complexes about their weight.
2 I agree with this point. Poeple at some time are more healthy because eat was healthy. Now poeple eat in fastfood. Meal in fast food is unhealthy. At some time is not too many car, now if you want go out, you take on car and drive. At some time on must go on foot.