Napisac po angielsku : o braku równowadze pmiędzy szkołą a odpoczynkiem (ile czasu siedzi się w szkole ,ile czasu zajmuje dojazd, ile czasu uczy się w domu, co się robi w wolnym czasie i ile to zajmuje ) -ok. 10-15 zdań
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Today school is taking huge part of young people's day. It's not comfortable and usually really tiring.
In high school we have a lot of subjects. Usually we need to go by bus to other cities to a good schools. And day has olny 24 hours...
Let's see normal school day. We should sleep nearly 5-6 hours. Then, we spend in school .. 6 hours. Thats half of day! Some pupils love their subjects, so they spend additional 1 hour for extra-lessons. Let's add one more hour for journey to school and from school. We have lots of subjects, so for homework and projects, wich our teachers love we need, let's say, 2-3 hours. So it's only 7 hours for our free time! And it's still not engough for our friends, family, pets and interests.