Przeczytaj tekst pt. Christmas który znajduje się w załączniku i odpowiedz na pytania również w załączniku. Bardzo proszę o pomoc daje dużo punktów i naj.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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11/ In the centres of many cities there are huge Christmas ornamented with lights. Many charities gather round the trees to sing carols and collect money for the poor.
12/ People start doing Christmas shopping. They buy gifts, Christmas cards and food.
13/ cały 3 akapit jest dpowiedzią :)
14/ cookies and milk, and some hay for his reindeer, also stockings
15/ in their stockings or under the tree
16/ roast turkey, Brussels sprouts, Christmas pudding, pumpkin pie, corn bread
17/ They pull crackers and find paper hats, fanny toys and wise sayings inside.
18/ ivy, holly and mistletoe
19/ Boxing Day
20/ They don't go back to work, but they spend day visiting their friends or going to the cinema or the theatre