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Proszę tylko o uzupełnienie :)
Estate agent: Hi, what...I do for you?
Client: I'm interested in the flat in Oxford Street.
What can you tell me about it?
Estate agent: It's luxurios flat...the third floor of a beautiful modern apartament block. It has two bedrooms and large kitchen. and the bathroom are nicely decorated.
Client: have a car park?
Estate agent: Yes, there's an underground car park below the building.
Client: it?
Estate agent: It's $450,000.
Z góry dziękuję :* Dam naaaaaaaaj :)*
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Estate agent: Hi, what..can.I do for you?
Client: I'm interested in the flat in Oxford Street.
What can you tell me about it?
Estate agent: It's luxurios flat.on..the third floor of a beautiful modern apartament block. It has two bedrooms and large kitchen. and the bathroom are nicely decorated.
Client: have a car park?
Estate agent: Yes, there's an underground car park below the building.
Client: ..How it?
Estate agent: It's $450,000.